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Viking Conflicts


Sam presents his case so well that Hrafnkel is sentenced to outlawry. .
             Unlike contemporary society, early Icelanders did not have prisons to discipline their criminals; sometimes labels of dishonor and disgrace were enough punishment. Yet the punishments varied depending on the severity of the crime committed and the value and status of the people involved in the legal dispute. Punishments varied from full outlawry to a small amount of compensation to the victim or their family. Many times the opposing sides would not agree with the verdict presented at The Althing, and would seek alternative means of settling the dispute privately and with out using the legal system. This occurs in Hrafnkel, when Sam attacks Hrafnkel and his men and hangs them by their ankles. Hrafnkel was supposed to be outlawed but the punishment was never followed through, causing Sam to have to personally carry out a penalty. .
                      Various conflicts existed that could be solved by the legal system or by the feudal system, depending on those who were involved and what the dispute was concerning. Conflicts over property and inheritances illustrated the relationships between people of different statuses and especially between siblings. An example of this sibling rivalry was when Hrut and Hoskuld settled their disputes over inheritance issues and reached an agreement where Hrut compensated Hoskuld for stealing his cattle in Laxardal. In the same text, Olaf and Thorleik had similar sibling-related disputes over Olaf inheriting gifts from their father, Hoskuld. Thorleik disagreed with this because he believed Olaf had enough wealth, but they ended up compromising and settling their dispute by Olaf agreeing to take over raising Bolli, Thorleik's son. Offering to raise your opponent's child was a very big sign of compromise and settlement in early Icelandic society. In Thorleik's case "it did him great honour- (Smiley 321).

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