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Nazi Occupation (fugitive Pieces)


On January 3rd 1925, Mussolini dismisses the Italian government and begins to assume dictatorial powers. On January 30th 1933, Hitler was selected to be Chancellor of Germany by the president Paul von Hindenburg. On August 19th 1934, he takes control of the country. From there, everything seems to premeditate another World War. The invasion of smaller countries was first to the agenda. With the help of the Italian Army, the Nazi party took control of Poland, Egypt and Greece.
             The Nazi occupation of Greece is well portrayed in a novel entitled Fugitive Pieces, written by Anne Michaels. The tragedy of the war is described within the boundaries of a small island called Zakynthos. Even the smallest act of rebellion was punishable by death. In fact, the novel relates the writings on the walls, which demonstrate the will to rebel against the tyrannical oppression. Some inhabitants were willing to sacrifice their life to demonstrate their determination to remain free. The German wrath is characterized by many atrocities of the sort, in particular towards the Jews and the Russians. .
             The Nazis used concentration camps as the basis for their discrimination and mass murder. In fact, several different kinds of camps were enumerated: concentration camps, forced labour camps, extermination camps, transit camps and prisoner-of-war camps. The purpose of these places was to imprison or even methodically kill several million of human beings. One of the most famous death camps is situated in Poland, Auschwitz-Birkenau. The calculated number of victims that fell behind these walls is estimated around four million Jews and war prisoners. The Nazis used different techniques to annihilate these people. "Raul Hilberg states: TESTA sold Zyklon in different concentrations. Invoices presented to municipal or industrial clients for fumigation of buildings were printed with columns headed C, D, E, and F, each denoting a category of potency and price.

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