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Matching Alliances and the Balance of Power in 1914


             During the time just before the Great War, the nations of the world were in a race to find colonies to strengthen their own power. The discovery and claim of new nations was thought to be of great value to the mother nation and thus was seen as a great asset. Colonisation became a fight for power and each nation struggled to maintain their balance of power in Europe. Colonies brought competition for supplies and the opportunity for them to invest their assets into a land which was an extension of their own nation. National pride and moral obligation meant the nations felt a need to bring enlightenment and civilization to the countries they colonized. Britain had entered the race for colonies early and the late arrival of Germany meant that Germany did not have many nations left to colonise. As Germany colonized areas such as Guinea, they alarmed the British colony of Australia who felt the Germans were too close to them. Colonisation was a way that the nations could show their power, or lack of, and so every nation wanted a part of it. Germany wanted to ebb the flow of the expansion of the British empire and Wilhelm wanted to build a rail way line across the African continent. With tensions mounting between the separate colonies and nations, the balance of power was hanging very tentatively. .
             During this same time, the propaganda that was released into the public meant that the people had a fierce pride in their nations. Everyone felt the need and desire for a war to prove their manhood and exhibit the national pride of their armies and navies. The governments began a deliberate glorification of war to encourage the people to take stand for their nation. Every Christian man and every Christian country believed that God was on their side. With such a thirst for war, the nations continued to expand their military powers. The military ruled over the government and this was allowed because the people all wanted to go to war.

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