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Reproductive Cloning


(Lamb, 12) Cloning first came to attention roughly thirty years ago. The man who was responsible for bringing promise of human cloning in the public light was a man by the name of Joshua Lederberg. (Wilson, 5).
             Methods of Cloning.
             There are two methods used in the process of cloning another human. Both of these procedures require implantation of an embryo in the uterus and thus must go through a normal period of birth to yield a clone. Cloning using somatic cell nuclear transfer is one of the methods used to clone another human being or animal. The procedure of somatic cell nuclear transfer requires the removal of the chromosomes from an enucleated egg. (Reproductive, 25-26) The chromosomes are then replaced with a nucleus taken from a somatic body. The egg is stimulated then it begins to divide which leads to the formation of a blastocyst. The blastocyst is then transferred to the uterus further development of the egg can undergo the normal process. The second method of cloning is embryo splitting. The procedure begins with the process of in vitro fertilization (IVF). IVF is the union outside of the woman's body of a sperm egg to a generate a zygote. The zygote or the embryo then splits into two and then four identical cells. Once separated the cells develop into blastocysts, which can be implanted into the uterus of the female. (Reproductive, 25-26) .
             Cloning Animals.
             Scientist in the past few years were able to artificially clone mammals. The first animal cloned was a sheep. In 1996 a sheep, named Dolly, was cloned in Scotland. (Cloning, 195) Cloning livestock is a means of reproducing favorable traits. Cloned animals can be genetically engineered to have efficient growth and high milk production. This will lead to more products selling in the farm market for the large demand of consumers needs. (Reproductive, 26) There are negative aspects of cloning animals. Cloned animals can suffer from defective hearts and lungs unlike natural born animals.

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