Some parents feel uniforms will put the students" emphasis on schoolwork instead of dressing .
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"cool", and they will help to lower school violence. Almost six years ago, the Long Beach School District made headlines when it became the first school district in the country to make uniforms mandatory for its elementary and middle school students. According to school officials in Long Beach, California, attendance and test scores improved, incidents of students fighting decreased by 50%, student crimes decreased by 36% and student suspensions decreased by 32% after they enacted a uniform policy.(Will) However, there are other steps that could of helped to improve the students behavior. Around the same time that uniform policy were enforced, there was an increase in the number of teachers that patrolled the hallways during class changes. .
In Baltimore, Maryland, school administrators found a 44% drop in assault and battery charges, a 50% reduction in assault with a deadly weapon, a 41% cut in occurrences of fighting and a 74% drop in sexual offenses. They also found drug abuse to be down by 89% and vandalism had dropped by 8%.(Stacey) These results and others caused many school districts to consider uniforms for their own schools. Uniforms seem to give students a sense of responsibility. It says to children that clothing is "not that important." With this realization, the students began to forget about their clothes and refocused their attention on education. Consequently their test scores and attitudes improved. .
Studies show school uniforms are more successful in elementary schools, where students are not so eager to be an individual.(Stover) Experts recommend placing students in uniforms at a young age so they become accustomed to the program. This allows there to be no focus on material items and the children's focus remains on education from the start. Stover(1990) states that most supporters of uniforms agree the program will not succeed unless school officials gain the support of a large majority of parents from the beginning.