This new type of automobile combines the power of gasoline with the efficiency of electricity. ... Several times after this, automotive manufacturers have built new hybrid cars to combat crises such as the oil crisis of 1973 and the surge of air pollution in the 1990's. ... There are two types of hybrid cars which both have their assets and drawbacks. ... The second type is called the series hybrid. ... This stops noise pollution which can lead to stress and a decreased life expectancy. ...
These chemicals cause air pollution, acid rain, and the buildup of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. ... In order to prevent further damage, many organizations have been working on building newer types of engines for automobiles that would produce far less pollution. ... This would solve pollution problems and revolutionize the automobile industry. ...
Honda claims their cars are made to help reduce pollution causing agents that can harm public health and the environment, therefore making them different from all other cars on the market. ... Since gasoline will remain the main fuel for the next several years, Honda states that they are committed to reducing emissions from gasoline powered cars while at the same time trying to find and develop future cars that use different types of fuels. ...