The descriptions of the documentary describe it as,"The Great Indian Wedding is the Great Indian Obsession, on par with the other two things that possess the country's imagination; Cricket and Film", which is very sad, but apparently very true. ... Bitter but true, and there is almost no legal help you can get from the government. ...
Although this is true to an extent, it was assumed that audiences were passive receptors of the media, however this suggested that the media had enormous control, however this approach was proven not to be all incorporating. ... It has brought about the embracing of a culture which has become shattered and factioned, but mass proudly under their always faithful friend, namely the television set. ...
Factory farming has been in the American and European culture for over 200 years now, and is considered one of the foremost sources for our food supply for today's population. However, with the growing awareness to animal cruelty in this world, many people have been considering our current culture a...