Texts can use power to reflect things that have and can happen in real life. Power can be represented in many ways and shapes an understanding of events, personalities of people and situations. Power is an insatiable desire craved by countless people that can be achieved through numerous methods. I...
This statement from designer Marion Dorn exemplifies true, timeless fashion. ... Denim jeans became in the 1960s the ultimate no-fashion put-down style "a classless, cheap, unisex look that stood for, variously, frontier values, democracy, plain living, ecology and health, rebellion a la Brando or Dean, a new interest in the erotic import of the pelvis, or, as Charles Reich suggest in The Greening of America, a deliberate rejection of the "artificial plastic-coated look- of the affluent consumer society. ...
Historians are quoted as saying that although World War I was not inevitable; World War II was due to the unresolved tension between nations. Countries stopped trusting one another only sharpening existing rivalries. World War II officially began in September of 1939 when Britain and France declared...