His mother, a woman who could pass for white, stayed at home with the children while her husband, Earl, went around preaching the word of Marcus Garvey. ... The government felt that by her asking for this help they had the right to invade her home, tell her how to raise her children, and when the time came they put her in an insane asylum and separated her children, sending them to different homes. The state workers felt Malcom was a delinquent child, and the state sent him to live in a home run by a white couple for wayward children. A home were Malcom was the "mascot," a home were the wor...
Abstract The research question of my extended essay is "How patriarchal and colonial oppression is expressed in Alice Walker's "The Color Purple?" The essay explores the themes of colonial subordination, gender oppression and the representation of gender relations of the male dominated early 20th century in the novel, The Color Purple and how these can be related to postcolonial feminist criticism. The novel can be looked upon as a strong censure of the bigotry and sexism that defrauded African- American women in the American South. The novel declares that the American culture is a b...
Berkman, Ronald Opening the Gates: The Rise of the Prisoners" Movement. Lexington Books: Lexington, Mass, 1979. Bowker, Lee H. Prisoner Subcultures. Lexington Books: Lexington Mass, 1977. Davis, Angela, et al. If They Come in the Morning Voices of Resistance. The Third Press: New Yor...
The steady loss of orientation of the social and political position of African Americans in America and the growing exodus of blacks from their homes in the south to the northern cities are issues that the Harlem writers tried to work through in their stories and poems. ...