The Bolshevik dictatorship established after the October Revolution was very quickly faced with numerous monumental crises. ... In the months following the Bolshevik coup d"etat opposition forces quickly formed and took arms against what they deemed to be a "Bolshevik dictatorship". ... They increased the levels of conscription from the peasantry and proletariat, and quickly abolished the democratic soldiers committees that had been established during the euphoria of 1917. ... However, after the outbreak of Civil War, the CHEKA became an organ of terror, "dispensing summary justice including e...
Hungary In 1946 Mr. Winston Churchill warned that an "Iron Curtain" was descending the middle of Europe, the Cold War began. (Cold War) Once allies against Hitler, the Soviet Union and the United States confront each other at the end of WWII. (A Summary of the Cold War) The cold war w...