For example, Fox has just recently launched its prime time reality serious, "Joe Millionaire," which offered a certain uniqueness about it that could not be seen on other networks. ... With a sequel of the popular "Joe Millionaire" in the early stages, look for their television numbers to continue rising. ... Fox has been reporting a loss in this category over recent years, with a devastating 59 million dollar loss in 2001 Fox was looking to generate positive numbers. ...
According to the Federal Trade Commission, "5-6 violent acts occur per hour on prime time, with 20-25 acts an hour on children's programming" ("Tune Out the Violence" 2). ... Television shows such as Sesame Street did not teach one those things, but it did teach children letters, words, numbers, classification and other skills considered to be important for school success. ...
I could take a survey of the shows that air through out the week in prime time television as well as the new releases at the local video store of how many times casual sex is shown in each and how many times it's shown as something good and harmless as opposed to the times that it is shown as something that can hurt your future if you don't treat it with care. ... Then see how and if the numbers of STDs, adoptions, and abortions take place. ...