For instance, Plato's theory of forms does not, to me, seem to jibe with modern physics and cosmology. ... After all, physics can give us insights into metaphysics, since both seek different ways to do the same thing. ... History is, of course necessary to any understanding of philosophy: how it came about, what people did with it. ... Descartes" Theory of Substance Dualism Throughout the history of man, philosophers have tried to come up with an explanation of where our minds, or consciousness, came from and how we are able to have a nonphysical characteristic of ourselves. ...
Authority, which is churches, parents, and schools, he says, are not reliable sources for truth because time shows we all die, and that we are eventually proved wrong, much in the same way the accepted truths of science have changed dramatically over the course of history. ... With this in mind, Descartes deduces that the reliability of mathematics can no longer be doubted because God guarantees the truth of all self-evident ideas, but ones that can be calculated through mathematical physics. ...