Do you think it is possible that your theory of Oedipus complex was so attractive to you because of the specific dynamics of your family, such as the young beautiful mother, aloof and hostile father, etc. ... I admit that the idea of Oedipus complex may not be universally applicable and need some revision, but in the big picture, early childhood experiences are still considered as playing a very important role in the development of human personality and sexuality. ...
In this chapter, I discovered the different characteristics of a person's mind and how one's personality acts and reacts to situations at hand. I learned that personality is the grouped system of typical responses to situations and actions, as well as one's thoughts and emotions, which make them un...
Heterosexism: A Psychological Disorder In today's society, it is common practice to make use of derogative slang when concerning the homosexual community. Slang terms such as "fag" and "homo" are often used to refer to odd or effeminate people. In fact, in a culture where racial slurs and bigot...