THE EFFECT OF ADVERTISING ON CULTURE To begin my discussion of the issue of commodification and advertising, I would like to look at TV. We live in a television culture. This television culture is produced primarily by what we know as TV networks (which is, as I think about it now, a rather strange metaphoric use of the word "network") who receive money from corporations (with advertising agencies serving as the go-betweens). Cable TV has the potential to provide input from local communities, and government sponsored "public" TV does exist, but these forms of TV can be compared to re...
Introduction to Business Business plays a major role within our society. It is a creative and competitive activity that continuously contributes to the shaping of our society. By satisfying the needs and wants people cannot satisfy themselves, businesses improve the quality of life for people and create a higher standard of living. It is a way for individuals to provide goods and services to consumers, and at the same time, produce a profit for themselves. Businesses are not only important because they provide goods and services for consumers, but they also improve the economy and increa...
Executive Summary This thesis sets out to investigate the effect of participation in motorsports on the image of a company. The focus in this investigation lies on the effect for companies that participate in Formula 1. The research looks at three different items that can influence the image: brand fit, brand involvement and popularity of the sport. Another factor investigates the moderating effect that the influence of the image of the sport has on the three items under investigation. These issues where investigated using an online questionnaire. ...