Our tale starts off towards what was supposed to be end of a great weekend vacation in space. ... So they were floating off into space with no way of getting back. ... I just know I was meant to do so much more for my planet and its people. ... And with his last word cutoff, they lost contact with home and were lost out in space forever. ...
As a young man I traveled all around the U.S. in one of the more widely used modes of transportation of that fanciful era my feet and hands. I explored America with my thumb you could say. All in all I can look back at it today and honestly say that those experiences were by far some of the most amazing, wonderful and enlightening experience's I will ever have in my lifetime. ... Once while walking along the highway in the Salt River Valley I encountered a fog that was so thick I could put my arm out and not see my hand in front of it. ... The reverberation's from the rushing water ...
A small thing that was in the movie was when Tom Hanks was in his back yard and then in space using him thumb to cover up the moon then the Earth, this is an example of parallax. ... My feelings toward the real life stars of the Apollo 13 mission are mixed, I feel that the way the characters were portrayed were partly for entertainment. ... What they went through to further the American and world knowledge about space will always remember. The space program today I believe needs to be more public support. ...
In the unsaturated zone, not all of the void (pore) space is filled with water. ... On the other hand, capillary forces are dependent on fluid properties, solid properties, and the geometry of the pore space (i.e., holes). ... As a result, water in the unsaturated zone is preferentially drawn into small spaces over large ones, which tend to be occupied by air. ... Rock with significant fractures my slow the travel time of fluids. ...
SOUTH SISTER Redmond Oregon is where my brother lives. ... The latest eruptions on south sister occurred in two closely spaced episodes about 200 years ago. ... Based on these facts the south sister could very well poses a danger to my brother in the future. ... Although the new bulge in south sister foreshadows an eruption I do not believe my brother is in danger. ... In my opinion my brother is not going to live long enough to see the eruption if it happens. ...
In attempting to make sense of the earth's motion, particularly its position in the space (regardless the significance of the term at the time), people have spent uncalculated amount of efforts to make observations throughout the history. ... The argument of whether the Sun revolves around the earth or vice versa, in my humanistic opinion, should remain as a subjective philosophical debate despite the physical evidences of the universe. ...
The most pressing ecological issue of our time, in my opinion is the global climate change. ... When the sun emits its light energy, the earth absorbs it and warms the earth, this heat is supposed to be reradiated back into space but because of these green houses gases, the heat is trapped on earth, which in turn drastically changes the climate. ...
A study by NASA's Goddard institute of space studies shows that the average global temperature has increased by 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit in the previous ten years. ... The evidence connects to my argument and only portray an urgency to address the issue of global warming. ...