1. Feminism in Macbeth and Antigone
In Shakespeare's Macbeth, Lady Macbeth serves as a complete counterexample against those biases. ... " (Macbeth, I, v, 47-50) Immediately, Lady Macbeth begins to stand out of the "feminist norms". ... Consequently, Lady Macbeth must disseminate her sinister, dark qualities to Macbeth. ... " (Macbeth, I, v, 73-78) Lady Macbeth surpasses Macbeth's level of "evil" by far, and has to lecture Macbeth on how to disguise himself on front of the guests. ... All of a sudden, we see a challenge of authority between Lady Macbeth and Macbeth. ...
- Word Count: 1748
- Approx Pages: 7
- Grade Level: Undergraduate