Consequently, thinking about this took my focus away initially from what she was saying and I missed some important information at the beginning. ... I realised I had only a small amount of information to work with and many questions left unanswered such as her relationships with others in the company, what her history was at the company and more about her life in general. ... Questioning Questions need to be appropriate to the situation and Armstrong (2006) offers ways of applying different types of questioning such as open questions which encourage the client to tell more and closed questi...
Perhaps the two most sought after concepts in the history of the subject were the integral and the derivative, as they were a necessity in finding out information needed about the physical world. ... In his first book "On the Sphere and Cylinder" Archimedes shows that the surface of a sphere is four times that of a great circle, he finds the area of any segment of a sphere, he shows that the volume of a sphere is two-third the volume of the circumscribed cylinder, and that the surface of a sphere is two-third the surfaces of a circumscribed cylinder including its bases. In the seco...