Henry Ford had the idea to create a cheap car that people can afford and help create a cycle of prosperity. ... Henry Ford's famous statement was that people could have their car in any color they wanted as long it was black. ... This allowed him to buy in bulk which meant Ford could get discounts and make the cars cheaper. ...
Henry Ford's Model T flourished as the first staple in transport, backed by Ford's meticulous & never before seen methods in manufacture the country was producing thousands of cars a day being sold at a rate that the everyday man could afford. Not only did Ford change the playing field of American economics by making travel more efficient, but his means of producing his staple vehicle by revolutionising the production line system said into motion the chain of events that would eventually fuel the fire that was the boom. Ford's production line method meant that every man involv...
The Cause of the Great Depression The great depression is almost mythical to many younger people growing up in America today. Every child has heard stories from a grandparent or read about the depression in a book. However, not many people known the true cause of the depression and how the depress...
The Great Depression was a worldwide business slump of the 1930's. It ranked as the worst and longest period of high unemployment and low business activity in modern times. The Great Depression began in October 1929, when stock values in the United States dropped rapidly. Thousands of stockholders l...
The Roaring 20s refers to the "golden" decade of growth between 1920 - 1930 in post-war America. America in the 1920s was full of prosperity, growth, and was considered a crossroad of the traditional and modern. Such as the Fundamentalists of "old school" religion clashing with the Modernists of new...