Imagine a working woman going through all this while performing at her highest efficiency possible to provide for her family in addition to being a home maker. ... In addition, with their exceptional dedication and militancy in New York City and Lawrence, women helped transform the image of the working woman.6 They no longer held a sense of dependency on anyone other than themselves and became appreciated for their willingness to fight for their causes. ...
Women also made up half of the civil servants corps, and 40% of the cities physicians, and many even held public office. After the Taliban took over, they forced women out of their jobs and imposed laws preventing them from even leaving their homes without a Greynolds 2 male escort. ...
This summer while living at home with my father I had the fortune of meeting the Dominguez family from Mexico. ... This is because as shown around the world, what happens in a neighboring country can affect you at home greatly. ... During the rape, she was held by the shoulders and told: "[you'll have to] give in, with or without a fight" ("te dejas, por la buena o por la mala"). ... If things get better at home then there is a better likelihood that there will be fewer illegal immigrants and problems that we will experience south of the border....
Perhaps this was hurt far to great for John Foster to forgive, and he held even the children of his transgressor responsible. ... The bankers and town officials worked within the law to settle Deake's accounts: they bound out her children, sent her "home" to her father, and sold all the belongings of the family. ...
There are widespread problems throughout the Oklahoma County Detention Center, that continue today. What has got to happen to make people realize there is something wrong? The United States Government has been monitoring the way this jail has been operating the past five years and nothing has ever r...
REGINA (PRETTY) V DPP, SECRETARY OF STATE FOR HOME DEPARTMENT AND OTHERS (2001) Assisted suicide of Diane Pretty Diane Pretty, a 42-year old mother from Bedfordshire was diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease in 1999.Her condition rapidly deteriorated. ... It was her choice to die at home with her family around her, at the time that she chose to die, rather than be condemned to suffer both physically and emotionally. ... On 19th March 2002 the Court held a public hearing on the admissibility and the merits of the case, which Ms Pretty and her husband, Brian Pretty, attended. ...
But if they didn't have enough proof or evidence that someone was guilty of such a heinous crime, then it's only right they cannot be held accountable for it. ... In an article from the ALCU the writer states, "In addition, the Project has challenged constitutional abuses that arise from immigration enforcement at the federal, state, and local levels, including litigation against anti-immigrant "show me your papers" laws at the state level, local anti-immigrant employment and housing laws, improper enforcement of federal immigration laws by local law enforcement, and w...