Holden Caulfield is a compassionate yet confused young adult struggling to accept the fact that life is change. His personal narrative in The Catcher In The Rye describes three days of turmoil and discovery that eventually lead to his hospitalization in a mental institution in California. As he r...
While Adrienne Rich, an obviously gifted and passionate writer, raises a number of compellingly valid and accurate points concerning the plight of the feminist writer and the injustices suffered at the hands of a male-dominated society, I believe she overshoots her mark. ...
Rick Bragg is an extremely gifted writer whose works have acquired a universal audience even though most of Bragg's work can be categorized as Southern literature. ... Bragg's writing often reflects angst, which he says, comes from knowing first hand the injustices and class distinctions that still exist even in modern America. ... I will never forget how he looked as I walked into my mother's house that night in March, big hands on his knees, afraid. ...