The problem is you can't test random people for evidence of prostitution like universities test for marijuana or any drugs in athletes: or in any one for that matter. ... And in reading the entire article Baylor made legal prostitution seem like a fun and exciting way for a woman to make a living. ...
AIDS after 1985 was an astonishing deadly risk for sexually active people as a whole. The days of promiscuity and one-night stands were being re-thought due to the possible contraction of this new disease called AIDS. A fear of sex was brought upon the people and "as the AIDS threat [grew], the m...
AIDS after 1985 was an astonishing deadly risk for sexually active people as a whole. The days of promiscuity and one-night stands were being re-thought due to the possible contraction of this new disease called AIDS. A fear of sex was brought upon the people and "as the AIDS threat [grew], the m...
Many situations and lifestyle choices make for different types of marriages. Marriage is a constantly evolving institution. In our lifetime, society has evolved from what used to be considered "traditional" marriage, into accepting that love can and does exist outside of heterosexual coupling. Marriage now has a broader definition to include same-sex couples. On October 4, 2014, I had the privilege of interviewing Jessica and Sandy. ...
In the movies or on television, the actors and actresses make sex look easy, fun and glamorous. ... Chlamydia is more common among teens than among older men and women; in some settings, 10-29% of sexually active teenage women and 10% of teenage men tested for STDs have been found to have chlamydia (Guttmacher, 1998). ...