This Reality The Glass Menagerie written by Tennessee Williams follows the lives of three people of a middle-class family, Amanda Wignfield and her two children Laura and Tom. Mr. Wingfeild left his family many years prior to the time this play takes place. The only representation, besides memori...
There are four ideas that have been challenging to me during the course. The chapter, "How Do I Relate with My Personal Style?" from Bugabee, most influenced my growth in the class with the idea of personal style. Most people do their theology through the eyes of their personal style. They read and ...
As Elizabeth Drew said, "The test of literature is whether we, ourselves live more intensely for the reading of it." Morgan says that literature is an out dated way of telling stories that are much more easily gotten from film and TV, he says that literature is a lie, that literature makes life look neat and tidy, which it is not, and that literature is a game played for fun. ...