One of the scariest days of my life was a very exciting and adventurous one. It was a normal night for my family and I. It was a cold winter night in February, (February 14, 1994 to be exact) we were all snuggled up in the basement watching television. I went upstairs to use the restroom. When I...
Where to live is a thought that passes through young people's minds frequently as they are growing up. Some people enjoy the big city life while others appreciate the solitude of country living. I am in between these two areas. I enjoy cities but I also like to walk out of my house and not have to w...
Homicide, manslaughter, whatever you want to call it, murder is murder. It does not matter the age, sex, or race of the murderer - the results are the same. A life has been taken. In the Milwaukee case, as in any, the age or financial background should not be a factor in deciding on how to try th...
After spending about twenty minutes in stage 4, they return to stage 1 and progress back to stage 4. ... The REM will usually begin ninety minutes after sleep is initiated and will last roughly ten to fifteen minutes (Davidmann, 1998). It is during the ten to fifteen minutes that dreams occur. ...
'The internal world on the outside. The genesis of violence and aggression.' (First slide) No horror you can imagine has not already been done by someone to somebody else. Similarly there is no horror you could perform that has not been enacted in imagination or fantasy by somebody. Man is a dangerous animal. ...