At thirty-five minutes before launch, evacuation of the area had been proceeding on schedule. ... The capsule orbited the earth for approximately thirteen minutes (Mercury: BJ-1). ... Shepard, Jr. was the only crewmember, and the successful mission lasted for over 15 minutes (Mercury: MR-3). ... In less than fifteen minutes I was backing awkwardly out of the hatch and onto the surface to join Neil, who, in the tradition of all tourists, had his camera ready to photograph my arrival" (Apollo 13). ... On July 24, 1969, the astronauts splashed down in the Pacific Ocean, and within minutes, they w...
The average prison sentence of men who kill their female partners is two to six years and women who kill their male partners are sentenced on average to fifteen years, despite the fact that they did it in self defense (Talvi Ever three minutes a woman is raped, every fifteen seconds a woman is battered and every six hours a woman is battered to death. ...
I surveyed twenty five percent African Americans, twenty five percent Caucasians, fifteen percent Asian Americans, twenty percent Latinos and fifteen percent were of other races. ... I usually handed the survey to a person and would give them a couple of minutes until they would finish it. ...
Authorities believed that over fifteen hijackers of Islamic descent, took over the planes and steered themselves into the World Trade Center and Pentagon; in turn killing themselves and thousands of innocent Americans. ... Several minutes later the second jet smashed into the south tower. Mr Gould said he was out of the building within two or three minutes after taking an express elevator to the ground floor, but soon after people began evacuating the south tower the elevators were taken "off-line". ...
By making the statement "it was fifteen minutes before I could work myself up to go and humble myself to a nigger; but I done it, and I warn't ever sorry for it afterwards, neither" (Twain 55), Huck realizes that Jim-although an African American, runaway slave, and criminal-is a person, too. ...