Place it in the microwave for about two minutes on about half power or until fully melted. ... Place the pan on the center oven rack, and set the timer to fifteen minutes. You will be doing four sets of fifteen minutes, and after each fifteen you will take out the pan and mix it up with the spoon, and then put it back on the rack for another fifteen. ... After the fourth and final fifteen minute set, take out the pan and test the mix to make sure none of it is soggy and that it is crispy enough to your taste. ...
Andy Warhol The title of this exhibit is "15 Minutes and Counting." ... Andy said, "In the future, everyone will be famous for fifteen minutes." ... Another interpretation that I have derived from this is that every cultural icon that is preserved at the time in his artwork will eventually have their fifteen minutes passed up. ...
My project is demonstrationg what age group memory is better. Memory is storing ans accesing past information that isn't forgot and can be used often. When ypu are older you may get alzheimers. That really affect your memory. There are three types of memory which is procudural, semantic an...
To do this, he/she should make next morning preparations on the night before, such as ironing their garments on the night before class, this will save at least five to ten minutes in the morning, and he/she may use that time to do something else. ... By following these simple steps, he/she will have thirty minutes to prepare and eat a wholesome breakfast, which will benefit him/her by allowing to be more focused during class instead of being distracted by the growling of their stomach. He/she will then have fifteen or so minutes to take a shower, which will awaken his/her senses. Fifteen minut...
To do this, he should make next morning preparations on the night before, such as ironing his garments on the night before class; this will save him at least five to ten minutes in the morning, and he may use that time to read the newspaper or take out the garbage. ... By following these simple steps, he will have thirty minutes to prepare and eat a wholesome breakfast, which will benefit him by allowing him to be more focused during class instead of being distracted by the growling of his stomach. He will then have fifteen minutes to take a revitalizing shower, which will awaken his senses; ...
Placing the Daphnia on the microscope, we then recorded it's heart rate four different times for fifteen-second intervals. ... We again recorded its heart rate four different times at fifteen-second increments. ... After about 5 minutes of recovery we then did one more set of trials, and recorded it's heart rate one last time. ... This "normal " heart rate averaged about 33 beats per fifteen-second interval. ... We let it "recover " or calm down for about five minutes. ...
To do this, he or she should make next morning preparations on the night before, such as ironing his garments on the night before class; this will save him at least five to ten minutes in the morning, and he or she may use that time to read the newspaper or take out the garbage. ... By following these simple steps, the students will have thirty minutes to prepare and eat a wholesome breakfast, which will benefit them by allowing themselves to be more focused during class instead of being distracted by the growling of their stomachs. They will then have fifteen minutes to take a revitalizing sh...
I"ve heard that everyone is entitled to their fifteen minutes of fame but this is ridiculous. ... Erin decides to burn the check so that she can get another fifteen minutes of fame with a reality show of her own with a chance at two million dollars. ... It beat out Sixty Minutes, Dateline, 20/20 and other news shows. ...
Also in this quotation Huck is just again referring to Jim not lowering his status "I took me fifteen minute to humble myself to a nigger." ... This is shown in this quotation, " I took me fifteen minutes before I could go humble myself to a nigger," in this quote Huck is defying what he was brought up to believe and going and apologizing to Jim. ...
Also in this quotation Huck is just again referring to Jim not lowering his status "I took me fifteen minute to humble myself to a nigger." ... This is shown in this quotation, " I took me fifteen minutes before I could go humble myself to a nigger," in this quote Huck is defying what he was brought up to believe and going and apologizing to Jim. ...
The person who is baking the cookies can check the temperature of the oven by placing a baking thermometer in the oven for fifteen minutes. ... The timer should be set to twelve minutes. The timer may be set to a lesser time, but do not ever set the timer past twelve minutes. ...
If breathing and circulation are not restored within four to five minutes, brain damage can occur. ... Check signs of circulation after one minute and every few minutes after that. ... On an adult give fifteen chest compressions. ... When the fifteen or five compressions are complete, pinch the nose, as stated above, seal your mouth with the victim's mouth, and deliver the necessary amount of breaths of air. ...
The entire trop which took only fifteen minutes from liftoff the splashdown reaffirmed the belief in American creativity. ... Afterwards we discover the US had won its race when astronaut Alan Shepard climbed into the Freedom 7, traveling into space, which took only fifteen minutes. ...
After the fifteen minutes break, this is when I started getting more nervous, but I said to myself that "whatever happens I have to win this game and I will win this game in any cost" and then I started running to get my position. ... Somehow, I managed to go through the remaining fifteen minutes. ...
She starts jogging and about fifteen minutes in, she feels a chill down her spine and has a vision of her running at impossible speeds. ... Fifteen minutes into their walk Roxâne wants to go back because she is uncomfortable with Damon's mysteriousness and his dark aura. ...
If their symptoms last more than 15 minutes, the guidelines say, athletes need to be monitored for up to a week and return to competition gradually based on tolerance of increasing physical demands. ... In the case of a simple concussion, the symptoms do not last longer fifteen minutes. If the symptoms persist longer than fifteen minutes, or if symptoms reoccur with exercise, or if the individual experiences unconsciousness, then the individual is said to have experienced a complex concussion. ... Research has now shown that although an individual may recover from the initial symptoms of the c...
Black Hawk Down In the beginning of this movie, Black Hawk Down ¸ United States Marines and Army Rangers are sent into a marketplace in Mogadishu, Somalia, on a mission that was suppose to take thirty minutes. ... But after some difficulties and not being able to accomplish what they were suppose to before being spotted by Somali militia, they were there for a total of fifteen hours involved in the longest battle involving American troops since the Vietnam War. ... They valued their lives more than ever in those fifteen hours they were stuck there. ...
Then I added one milliliter of methanol to it and let it sit for fifteen minutes, which was dissolving the ink out of the paper. ... Then I cut this paper into small pieces also, put them into a test tube, added one milliliter of methanol to it, and let it also sit for fifteen minutes. ... The fifteen minutes were up. ... Then I added a few drops of the "Lipstick Extraction Solvent" to each tube and let them sit for fifteen minutes, occasionally shaking the tubes helping the absorbing process. ...
Volunteers are our Heroes The volunteers in this country are the real American heroes. Volunteers are the most under-rated role models of our time. They make such an impact on people's lives everyday and it goes unnoticed by so many people. A particular group of volunteers I"d like to touch...
One of the scariest days of my life was a very exciting and adventurous one. It was a normal night for my family and I. It was a cold winter night in February, (February 14, 1994 to be exact) we were all snuggled up in the basement watching television. I went upstairs to use the restroom. When I...
Bullet of life Being a normal kid, you never know when your life can change. This situation gave me the courage to grow and become a responsible adult. I will tell you how big impact it had me. We never know when our life can end. Being a teenager I was very out of control. I disrespected my p...
The headline of the Boston Globe said it best, "Nightclub Burns, Hundreds Dead!" The worst nightclub fire disaster in history occurred more than 60 years before the Station Nightclub fire in Rhode Island. On 28 November 1942, the Coconut Grove Nightclub in Boston burned to the ground, killing 492 ...