They set up cooperative stores, grain elevators, warehouses, insurance companies, n farm machinery factories. ... Dawes Act:1887 Congress passed this act deciding to give each native american a farm. ... Aiming to end tribal life, the act divided tribal lands into small plots for distribution among members of the tribe. ...
Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809 in Kentucky. Abraham Lincoln grew up working on farms with his father. At the time the Lincoln family did not have money for the children to go to school. Abraham was very interested in education and bettering himself. He would barrowed books from his ne...
Wheat and other grains grew on farms in Pennsylvania and New York. ... The main feature was the plantation, a large plot of land that contained a great many acres of farmland and buildings in which lived the people who owned the land and the people who worked the land. ...
During the first half of the 19th century, many tribes were subject to the Indian Removal Act of 1830 where they were kicked off their native land and forced to live on segregated plots of land assigned by the US government. ... Indians were commonly placed on rocky and hilly terrain which was extremely difficult to farm and irrigate. ...
During World War I the federal government had subsidized farms, and paid really high prices for wheat and other grains. The federal government had told farmers to buy more land, to modernize their methods with the latest in farm technology, and to produce more food. ... The court trial is a major plot crescendo in the book. ...
The plots were too small to employ machinery, which lowered the capacity for economic gain or mobility. Most of the gains in agriculture were due to large farms or packing plants.11 Widespread pollution also contributed to the reaction against industrial progress. ...