In 1900, only fourteen countries could be described as democratic, whereas 103 countries were liberated in 2000 (Smith, et al., 2008: 53). ... The main idea of liberalism is "the freedom of the individual"(Smith et al, 2008: 50). ... Finally, liberalists demand that the people rule the power of the state (Baylis, et al. 2005: 186). ... One reason is, for example, that a democratic country is attacked by an authoritarian state (Smith, et al., 2008: 54-56). ... (Smith, et al., 2008: 54-56). ...
"The value question will fall into two broad groups, questions about your own personal and professional values and questions about the values of the local community" (Rallis et al., 2008, p. 14). ... Your professional wisdom is the touchstone in your reasoning process and lays the foundation for the exploration and moral reasoning that come next" (Rallis et al., 2008, p. 17). ...
"The value question will fall into two broad groups, questions about your own personal and professional values and questions about the values of the local community" (Rallis et al., 2008, p. 14). ... Your professional wisdom is the touchstone in your reasoning process and lays the foundation for the exploration and moral reasoning that come next" (Rallis et al., 2008, p. 17). ...
Through the lens of this theory, international organizations, multinational corporations and such, as well as terrorist groups are seen as principle actors in most issue areas (Baylis et al. 2011, p.4). ... In essence, what happens on one side of the world effects changes on the other side due to the diverse link of cobwebs states have through channels of interactions (Baylis et al. 2011, p.106). ... The hypothesis that underlines this theory is that democratic states tend to have a harmonious relationship with one another (Baylis et al. 2011, p.104). Another explanation is that if the decisi...
Chauduri et al (2001) highlight the importance of brand loyalty in the last decades. ... Chauduri et al (2001) define brand loyalty "as a deeply held commitment to re-purchase or re-patronize a preferred product/service consistently in the future ", this behavior will cause same-brand or same brand-set buying behavior while ignoring the situational influences and marketing efforts meant to cause switching behavior. ... Purchase loyalty, behavioral, is focused on repeated purchases of the brand, attitudinal brand loyalty is more focused on the dispositional commitment with regards to the unique...
In the dissenting opinion Justice Field said that based on the majority's interpretation the Fourteenth Amendment was, "a vain and idle enactment, which accomplished nothing, and most unnecessarily excited Congress and the people on its passage. " (Kommers et al., 115) The ruling is also interesting because it set a precedent against the incorporation of the Bill of Rights to the states, yet it did not take long at all, relatively speaking, for the Bill of Rights to become incorporated after all. ... (Kommers et al., 117) Black and Frankfurter's views were most noticeably on display ...
According to the article America's Youngest Outcasts: A Report Card on Child Homelessness, some of the major causes of homelessness for children living in the United States include single parenting, lack of affordable housing, racial disparities, and the nation's high poverty rate (Bassuk, et. al, 2014). ... There are statistics that show ten to twenty-six percent of homeless preschool aged children had mental illnesses that required medical attention (Bassuk et al, 2014). ...
June 21, 2000, a police officer is shot dead in Flagstaff, Arizona. This violent crime was committed by 17 year-old Eric Clark. In the Supreme Court case of Clark vs. Arizona, Clark argued that his paranoid schizophrenia gave him the inability to understand the nature of his acts at the time they we...
Abstract A review of literature on pregnant women smoking efforts found that few programs heed epidemiological patterns of smoking and is not empirically designed. Pregnancy among youth perpetrators and receivers is increasing in the United States at an alarming rate. Findings suggest that there is...
The percentage of the Mexican population employed in farming dropped to 16.4% in 2004, resulting in the loss of 2 million Mexican jobs (Scott et all., 2006). ... According to a study done by the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta that examined the relationship between undocumented employment and firm survivability, undocumented workers earn about 30% less than documented workers (Brown et all, 2008). ... A survey of non-agricultural Latino immigrant workers in Alexandria, Virginia found that most of the workers who have reported work related injuries or illnesses never received any worker's...
Berkman, Ronald Opening the Gates: The Rise of the Prisoners" Movement. Lexington Books: Lexington, Mass, 1979. Bowker, Lee H. Prisoner Subcultures. Lexington Books: Lexington Mass, 1977. Davis, Angela, et al. If They Come in the Morning Voices of Resistance. The Third Press: New Yor...
There is no doubt that white collar crime has increased over the last hundred years. Of course, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, there were reports of numerous scandals and reports of kickbacks, and other various types of shady activity within corporations and the government. One of the...
Abstract Beliefs in conspiracy theories are widespread throughout the world, in every culture and community. They range from a world take over by secret societies to rigged Olympic games. Many are short lived, however, others seem to become self-perpetuating animals preying particularly on th...
Research reports are divided on the causes of school violence. Some refer to family situations. They say that when students are likely to live in poverty, witness drug abuse at home, have parents arrested and/or sent to prison, then it is not surprising how many students behave well, rather than some of them are violent. Access to weapons seems a clear cut cause or contributor to school violence. Crimes with guns and knives wouldn't take place without the students having access to those weapons. ...
ABSTRACT The duties and status quo of managers and supervisors* in the U.S. have altered dramatically since the founding of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) and the establishment of the Labor Management Relations Act (LMRA). While the LMRA explicitly states that supervisors are excluded from any type of bargaining agreement, there is indisputable evidence that the position of manager has become more multifaceted than ever before. The LMRA defines "supervisor" as "any individual having authority, in the interest of the employer, to hire, transfer, suspend, lay off, recal...
In E Pluribus Unum: Diversity and Community in the Twenty- first Century The 2006 Johan Skytte Prize Lecture, Robert argues: Many (though not all) of the scores of studies of collective creativity in work groups (in business, education and so on) find that diversity fosters creativity (Webber & Donahue 2001;O'Reilly et al. 1997; Williams & O'Reilly 1998). ...
The link between drug use and crime is not a new one and numerous studies show that drugs use directly relates to crime in multiple ways. First of all, and most directly, it is a crime to use, possess, manufacture, or distribute drugs classified as having a potential for abuse (such as cocaine, her...
What can be inferred from this discovery is that white, middle-class students are far more likely to be labeled as "more capable", while students who are poor, of color, subject to learning disabilities, or limited English proficiency are more likely to be labeled as "less capable" regardless of their talents (August & Hakuta, 1998: McDonnell, et al., 1997). ...
Introduction "International marketing research can be defined as market research conducted either simultaneously or sequentially to facilitate marketing decisions in more than one country" (Kumar, 2000). "Culture is a learned, shared, compelling, interrelated set of symbols whose meanings provide a set of orientations for members of a society. These orientations, taken together, provide solutions to problems that all societies must solve if they are to remain viable" (Joynt & Warner 1996, adapted from Terpstra & David). There are a variety of issues that affect all marketing research. T...
Review of Literature Becoming an adult is a big step as well as a major part of everyone's life, regardless of the cultural background or gender. The transition from being a child to becoming an adult is a well-celebrated custom in many cultures through out the world. Although there are societie...
The National Drinking Age Act raised the age after lobbying by Mothers Against Drunk Driving provided convincing evidence that young people were dying in alarming numbers on the country's highways. ( Shults, Ruth, et al. ...
Since the Civil War, much of the concern over civil rights in the United States has focused on efforts to extend these rights fully to African Americans. Resistance to racial segregation and discrimination with strategies such as civil disobedience, nonviolent resistance, marches, protests, boycotts...
While searching the American Psychological Associations (APA) website I found a great article that showed that there are several variables of sexual orientation that affect the classroom experience and academic achievement of K-12 students. Population being studied in this case is jr' high and high ...