Education is important in society and the structure and processes of education systems are related to the general process of socialisation (Van Krieken et al. 2000, p.191). ... According to Stephens et al. (1998, p. 205), "The argument that education in capitalist society is a tool of ruling-class ideology underpins Marxist theory." ... According Bowles and Gintis (1976 in Van krieken et al. 2000, p. 194), the hidden curriculum shapes the future workforce in the following ways. ... Bowles and Gintis (1976 in Van Krieken et al. 2000, p. 195) provide evidence in stating that intelligence is mer...
According to Borland and Wright, in the past individuals labeled as gifted, are 400 times as likely to be found among children of upper-class parents as among the children of laborers (Heller, et. al 587). By 1925 children of Italian, Portugese, Spanish, and Mexican decendants were under represented, and nearly total absence of African American children was even worth mentioning (Heller, et. al 587). ... Unfortunately, according to Borland and Wright, current data under-representation of economically disadvantaged and minority students in gifted programs had not disappeared (Heller, et. al 58...
According to Borland and Wright, in the past individuals labeled as gifted, are 400 times as likely to be found among children of upper-class parents as among the children of laborers (Heller, et. al 587). By 1925 children of Italian, Portugese, Spanish, and Mexican decendants were under represented, and nearly total absence of African American children was even worth mentioning (Heller, et. al 587). ... Unfortunately, according to Borland and Wright, current data under-representation of economically disadvantaged and minority students in gifted programs had not disappeared (Heller, et. al 58...
At the outset, according to Tannenbaum, et al. (2012), traditionally, a team has been defined by certain characteristics. ... Teamwork often requires individuals to align with their collective work team as a whole (Ellmers, et al., 2004). ... Thus there is no "I" in real teamwork, the distinction between self and group become unclear, and the definition of self shits from being "I" to the collective "we" (Ellemers et al., 2004). ... Then the "same motivational processes that apply to the individual self may come to apply to the collective self" (Ellemer,...
Current research is closely linking the social environment with expression of disease, risk of developments of mental disorder, and resiliency factors (Alegria et al., 2010). ... In fact the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) with its enhanced coverage of cultural considerations, now includes a separate discussion of culture in relation to differences in symptom expression, risk, course, and prevalence when evidence is available – this means that a large amount of disorders include information regarding such findings (Regier et al., 2013). ...
Even recently, the concept of desistence in life course study has been viewed as a stable, discrete "end- state rather than a developmental process (Bushway et al., 2001). ... As an example, many life course investigations into delinquency attend to the relationship between age and offending but in doing so confound what are two distinct elements in a process, according to Bushway et al. (2001). Instead, as found by studying desistence, it may be "age-graded changes- in offending behavior rather than aging itself that are part of the causal mechanisms (Bushway et al. 2001). ... A seemingly ...
This was a free-response questionnaire that was written by Gutierrez himself to assess the participant's engagement in dangerous and self-harmful activities (Gutierrez et al 1999). ... The completion rate of suicide for Blacks is almost half that of Whites (Gutierrez et al 1999). ... In this study, Burr et al used standard metropolitan statistical areas (SMSAs) as the unit for analysis. ... The information is based on a three year average of event counts (Burr et al 1999). ... The largest being the size of the black male population (Burr et al 1999). ...
Alexander et al 2003) How Stigma Is Attested Stigma attested by the attitudes of the people in the surroundings. ... Bradley et al 2002). ... Alexander et al 2003) Appearance: It includes that the person is mentally turmoil that makes him imperfect and defected. ... Corrigan, et al, 2005) Stigma as Public Health Problem Stigma refers as a main public health problem in most of the countries. ... Levy et al 1996) and awareness should be created among the people to treat these kind of people normally. ...
Barnlund and Bellah et al. present a common interest of communicative involvement and societal progress. ... Robert Bellah Et Al writes on individuals from society who create identities for themselves. ... One of the individuals incorporated by Bellah Et al. is Cecilia Dougherty. ... Authors Bellah et al present the lives of multiple individuals and portray how their lives are benefited from the involvement their community. ... The reason is we are all social animals and we must live and interact and work together in the community to become fulfilled" (Bellah et al 68). ...
At the opening of the Lord of the Flies, a plane, transporting a group of boys from England is attacked and crashes in the jungle. Two boys, Ralph and Piggy, meet and make their way to the beach. Upon their arrival, they discover a conch shell near the water. Using the shell as a trumpet, Ralph summons the remainder of the boys to an assembly. A large number of boys, varying in age, emerged from the jungle, accompanied by Jack Merridew and his choir, marching in military formation. ...
Durkheim argued deviance's functionality by identifying 4 specific functions that deviance performs, which include: -Affirmation of cultural norms and values: viewing an individual being punished for a deviant act reinforces what a society sees as acceptable or unacceptable behavior (Henslin et al., 2007). ... -Clarification of moral boundaries: responses to deviant behavior help individuals distinguish between right and wrong (Henslin et al., 2007). ... -Promotes social unity: in response to deviant behavior, group members develop a feeling of unity (Henslin et al., 2007). ... -Promotes ...
Social interchanges, an "interpersonal interaction in which two individuals behave in ways that contribute to each others' general patterns of behavior" (Farmer, et al., 2012, p.151) have two forms of synchronized behavior: reciprocity and complementarity in which two individuals respond with similar behaviors, and in which the behavior of one is necessary for the behavior of the other, respectively. ... They "elicit and constrain the interactions and opportunities youth are afforded in the school context" (Farmer, et al., 2012, p. 154). ... A tiered intervention frame...
In most cases, the agenda changes when a new president is elected or when the party with majority members changes in the Congress (Turner et al 462-464). ... On the other hand, "Policy adoption may also take place when the president signs an executive order or when the Supreme Court rules on an important case (Turner et al 460). ... The public acts as bystanders in decision-making processes because the competing groups act as the peoples' voices (Turner et al 455). ... This is because it takes much time before a compromise is reached (Turner et al 455). ...
It is understandable, given this background, that the provision of universally available medical care was seen as a vital part of policy for improving health standards throughout society "(Blane et al,1996, p2) It was expected that these developments would narrow social class differences in health but figures relating to standardised mortality ratios for social classes showed that these differences were actually widening rather than narrowing. ... One explanation developed was "The behavioural approach to the prevention of degenerative diseases" (Blane et al ,1996, pg5). ... (Bartley 1994;...
"Agents of socialization are groups or social contexts within which processes of socialization takes place" (Giddens, et al and others, P.69). ... "Secondary socialization occurs during late childhood and in maturity" (Giddens, et al and others, P.69). ... "Informal groups of people of similar ages, at work and in other situations, are usually of enduring importance in shaping individuals' attitudes and behavior" (Giddens, et al and others, P.69). ...
If Dobie emphasizes post-colonialism to the product which is produced after colonization, then Aschroft et al (2001) argued that post-colonialism deals with the effects of colonization on cultures and societies. ... Hybridity as defined by Aschroft et al (1998) is the creation of new transcultural forms within the contact zone produced by colonialization. Wolfreys et al (2002) assumed that hybridity is originally naming something or someone of mixed ancestry or derived from heterogeneous sources. ...
Ambiguous language consists of words and phrases that have more than one commonly accepted definition (Adler, et al. 94). ... It is "the language, values, beliefs, traditions, and customs people share and learn" (Adler, et al. 329). ... "Individualistic cultures view their primary responsibility as helping themselves, whereas communicators in a collectivistic cultures feel loyalties and obligations to an in group" (Adler et al. 333). ...
In addition (as Barkow et al. and Heinrich and Gil-White have noted), when an individual is perceived to command a high degree of deference or popularity this too can elicit preferential attention. ... Research Flaws Beyond further investigating "Facebook depression," there may be other effects of the medium that are worthy of inquiry (Krasnova et al., 2013). ...
The authors of the article, Hamlin, et al. hypothesized that preverbal infants do social evaluation. The hypothesis is then confirmed with the results suggesting, "preverbal infants assess individuals on the basis of their behavior towards others" (Hamlin et al. 2007). ...
By using lunch counter sit-ins, organizing into national networks like the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), and reaching into college campuses through the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), the Civil Rights Movement was able to bring together northerners and southerners, older and younger citizens and men and women to work for a single cause (Lawson et al, 1998, p. 21). ... (Crawford et al, 1990, pp. 72-74) It was the women that organized this key moment in the Civil Rights Movement – which was, in fact, spurred by a woman, Rosa Parks, refusing to take her seat in ...
Henslin, et al, (2001) describe these to include " ascribed status is involuntary achieved status is voluntary a master status is one that cuts across the other statuses you hold"(p.101-102). Henslin, et al, (2001) describes norms to be "the expectations or rules of behavior that develop out of values" (p.459). ... Henslin, et all, (2001) indicates, "The central idea of functional analysis is that society is a whole unit, made up of interrelated parts that work together" (p. 17). ... Henslin, et all, (2001) finds socializing new members to include, "People who are born into a human group mu...
Positivist victimology is also concerned with 'victim proneness, 'victim precipitation' and the lifestyle of the victim, as Mendelsohn, (1963, cited in Davies et al. 2003) suggests that victims are somewhat culpable for the crimes that have been committed against them. ... (Davies, et al., 2003, pp. 3) The problem with this however, is that criminal statistics provided by the government departments and victimisation surveys do not accurately portray the 'dark figure' of crime. ... (Davies, et al., 2003, pp. 3) However, this appears to be the only value it has added ...
He believed that 'behaviour, including crime, is a social product, a result of interactions and patterns of learning that occur in the intimate personal groups and surrounding social circumstances that encapsulate the individual' (Hale et al. 2013: 123). ... This experiment was conducted in the way that 'a group of infants watched a film depicting an adult violently attacking a rubber 'Bobo' doll' (Hale et al. 2013: 124). ...
So therefore it was important to study the actions of individuals in order to understand the way individuals looked at the world and how their views helped to influence their actions (Kirby et al, 1997). ... In other words sociological concepts should be explained through mental constructs in which one can compare with reality (Kirby et al, 1997). ...