Baptism: A Comparison of the Biblical Tradition with Modern Denominational Practices. One of the main reasons for the different denominations is their core, or fundamental, difference of belief concerning baptism. I hope to show many of the individual beliefs that are held by the different denominations, and to go back to the Bible and show what it has to say concerning baptism. The point is not to distinguish who is right and who is wr...
Born and raised as a Roman Catholic, my parents tried their best to mold me not just into a kind and obedient kid but to be a girl with a strong faith in God. I remember that our apartment didn't have just one but a couple of altars. At a very young age, I was taught how to make the sign of the cross, I was given a kiddie book about the Life of Saints and a sort of children's bible and that going to Mass every Sunday was a requirement. During Christmas season, I was being brought to Church at 4 in the morning even though I'll just sleep for the whole duration of the Mass, becaus...
As we go about our lives in these days and times, we look and see a division between people. More than a month ago, terrorists attacked our nation, and now, more than ever, we need spiritual guidance. Instead, we have attacked each other as a people, and burned religious edifices. We have cast down other belief systems and have been conditioned to think that our religion is the one true religion. How can it be that we have so much in common in the way in which we worship and praise, but there is so much hatred separating us? ...
Christianity is very practical. It is not a dead, dry, formal, human religion of rituals, outward form, and show, but a divine, living, vital, dynamic, liberating religion. The word Christian means, "Christ like", or "One follows Christ". Jesus Christ, who laid the foundation of Christian Church, was born in BC 4 in Judea. He is the foundation of the Church (1 Cori. 3:10,11). ...
The Korean Religious Heritage Korea's religious heritage has contributed to the teaching of the Unification Church. Since it first appeared on Korean soil and was nourished by the Korean philosophy of life, the new movement was naturally influenced to some extent by its environment. Just as Eastern Orthodoxy cannot be understood apart from Christian Hellenism, and Roman Catholicism is a product of Latin civilization, so the Unification Church greatly profited from the religious development of its homeland. Korea's indigenous religion, like that of most early cultures, was a form of...