"A woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle.... In Shakespeare's Macbeth, Lady Macbeth serves as a complete counterexample against those biases. ... To beguile the time, Look like the time. ... Look like th' innocent flower, But be the serpent under it.... And if my present actions strike you as foolish, let's just say I've been accused of folly by a fool....
In The Tragedy of Macbeth by William Shakespeare, he uses darkness to represent unnatural and evil found all over the play.William Shakespeare also includes the hideously evil witches into the play purposely to entertain King James I's fascination with witches. ... They have skin like the bark of a broken down tree, and their lady-like features are rather faint. The demonic lady features of the Weird Sisters rather confuse Banquo and Macbeth because "You should be women/And yet your beards forbid me to interpret/ That you are so " ( I.iii.45-47). ... Macbeth's plan is foiling like hi...
The play "Macbeth" was written by William Shakespeare in the Jacobean era. ... Her words become more rhythmic and what she says seems almost like an incantation. ... As she goes on, she becomes even more witch-like, using pagan imagery such as a raven and evil spirits. ... Though men in the middle ages were considered high above women in standing, it was still a source of great disgrace to break your word to a Lady of the gentry after you had given it. ... This is left to the discretion of the audience to decide by Shakespeare, as are many things in the play. ...
She calls on spirits with murderous thoughts to make her less like a woman, and more like a man. ... Just like a man, she does not want to feel remorse. ... "Was the hope drunk/ Wherein you dressed yourself? ... I tell you yet again, Banquo's buried. ... Lady Macbeth is arguably the most ambitious women in all of Shakespeare's works. ...
For example, Macbeth in the Shakespeare play, "Macbeth" was influenced by another person in the play. ... In Act 1, scene 7, Lady Macbeth says "If you weren't a man, then what kind of animal were you when you first told me you wanted to do this? ... A boys favorite athlete influences him to be like the athlete. ... Be like him. ... We as humans are like a drop of water. ...