Hester saw Chillingworth in the crowd, a small man with a slightly wrinkled appearance. ... Following Hester's time on the scaffold, Chillingworth aided both Hester and her baby while they were at the jail. ... Slowly, over this time he has transformed himself into a type of devil. ... For the first time Chillingworth is able to see himself for the devil he is truly becoming; nevertheless, he continues with his fiendish torture. ...
Hester saw Chillingworth in the crowd, a small man with a slightly wrinkled appearance. ... Following Hester's time on the scaffold, Chillingworth aided both Hester and her baby while they were at the jail. ... Slowly, over this time he has transformed himself into a type of devil. ... For the first time Chillingworth is able to see himself for the devil he is truly becoming; nevertheless, he continues with his fiendish torture. ...
Twain portrays Huck as an average boy of his time, mischievous, adventurous and funny. ... Ole missus - dat's Miss Watson - she packs on me all de time, en treats me pooty rough, but she alwuz said she wouln" sell me down to Orleans. ... Dimmesdale describes himself as "an emaciated figure, his thin cheek, his white, heavy, pain-wrinkled brow," He had become so physically pathetic from the guilt, which tore at him internally and physically. ...
The Lefcowitz's spend most of their time discussing Priscilla's sexual history, saying, "Certainly there is much to suggest a background of prostitution,"" (268) even asserting that Coverdale might have visited Priscilla when she was a prostitute. ... When Coverdale sees Priscilla for the second time, after being sick for a while, he says that she is "far better conditioned both as to health and spirits."" ... By this time, too, the poor girl was enthralled in an intolerable bondage, from which she must either free herself or perish. ...