Set in the hauntingly secluded locations of mid-twentieth century San Francisco, Alfred Hitchcock's film "Vertigo," is a hypnotic tale of one man's struggle for power, his hopeless search for his ideal love and his abandonment of reality for an illusion. In particular, the scene in Scottie's apartme...
These dimensions can underpin different cognitive styles that, in turn, motivate dispositions either in a more left or right leaning inclination. ... In assessing these trends they find a great deal of overlap in the way that the variables influence information processing that eventually leads to conservative inclination. ...
The comparison of Mary Shelley's 1818 novel Frankenstein, and Ridley Scott's 1992 film, Blade Runner, facilitates the examination of transforming societal values and the human condition. The transition from early 19th century England when Romanticism was challenging aspects of the dominant Enlight...
Pierce conjures the inclination of disappointment as the foundation for examination of two restricted or "repugnant" plans; oppositely, I think it is a restriction of the "western" personality that we can't hold two confusing thoughts all the while to be genuine, steady inside their own particular domains or connections. ...
Aristotle's teleological view holds that "whatever is the end-product of the coming into existence of any object, that is what we call its nature" and the ultimate end-product is eudaimonia or a virtuous life. Man is both a social and political animal in that we are inclined to live in society as w...
It is irrational to assume that all students will either rebut or agree based on their own inclination because what is universally accepted is that the teacher is right and it is he who delivers the knowledge that is important and must be learned. ...
As Melvin Richter notices, there were three ways in which Tocqueville delineated liberty as a concept: " first, in terms of the benefits produced by the political life of a free government; second, in his distinction between democratic and aristocratic liberty; and third, in his rhetorical inclination to praise liberty as a good in and of itself, a good which can be understood only by those who have experienced it, and the supreme value of which cannot be determined by its consequences"9. ...
The term "state of nature" is used to describe and understand what the natural attributes and characteristics of human beings would have been like in the absence of civilization and enlightenment and how they would have interacted with one another in this state. This view of humans in their natura...
However other theories uphold the belief that individuals contain a natural inclination to conform to rules and order, which requires motivation therefore they believe that violence is a result of abnormal deviant urges (Barak, 2003). ...
Such a mixing of domains is precisely the objective of both anarchist and futurist plays, and whilst the anarchists' success in this regard was often inhibited by their individualistic inclinations away from collectivity, the ideologically-united futurists were arguably much more successful at undermining preconceived definitions of 'life' and 'art'. ... An inherent inclination away from collective ideological organisation meant that the critical reception to anarchist theatre of the Belle Epoque often overlooked or underestimated the radical nature of their messages....
Now a days it seem as if every time someone opens a newspaper or reads the latest news update online, another corporate scandal has occurred. It's nothing new that companies and their executives are being charged with falsifying their earnings or financial documents for personal gain, but what is being done to prevent it? Although it may seem like these accounting scandals happen all the time, people fail to realize there are huge laws set in place to prevent these type of scandals from happening. One of the largest and most influential of these laws set in place to prevent falsified fina...