What does the main character learn as the book progresses? In Phillip Gwynne's novel, Deadly Unna? the main character, Blacky learns many things as well as gaining an understanding of many important issues such as courage, belonging, tolerance of Black people (especially Aborigines) and the imp...
How should nigger be defined? Is it a part of the America cultural inheritance? Why does nigger generate such powerful reactions? Is it a more hurtful racial epithet than insults such as kike, gook, wetback, and honky? "Nigger and Nigga is arguably the most consequential social insult in American hi...
W.E.B. Dubois and Booker T. Washington were two great leaders of the African American community in the late 19th and early 20th century. However, these two scholars disagreed on strategies for African American social and economical progress. Their opposing philosophies can be found in much of today...
The ideology of apartheid as proposed by Daniel Francois Malan and the implementation of these ideologies into societal regulations created a new wave of strong nationalist thinking. In conjecture with the attitudes on racial separation in America, South Africa was taking a radically opposite stance towards segregation with plans to further separate the races while in America the the seedlings of a civil rights movement began to take root. Fundamental to the understanding of these differing stances is the reasoning behind the driving forces of these doctrines and how they may or may not have ...