1. Oedipus Rex - A Great Tragedy
The tragedy revolves around Oedipus, the king of Thebes and his own hamartia or tragic flaw causes him to come up with an anagnorisis or epiphany, which ultimately leads to his downfall. In the tragedy, Thebes is cursed with a plague which will only end if King Laius' murderer is apprehended and exiled from Thebes. King Oedipus vows to search for the killer with all of his power but despite advice from Tiresias the seer and Creon, his wife's brother, he continues to deny all they say. ... Oedipus then forces Tiresias to voice what he knows, but when Tiresias hints at incestuous relat...
- Word Count: 728
- Approx Pages: 3
- Grade Level: Undergraduate