Some examples of multitasking are: texting, putting on makeup, talking on the phone, and reading mail. ... I believe people should be more cautious while driving and respect the rules of the road, Laws are set in place for us to follow and driving under the speed limit is set in place to prevent any accidents from occurring. ...
1) Julie Anne Williamsons" accident happened because of a skid. She could have prevented it if Julie would have let off the accelerator and steer in the opposite direction of the skid. However she wrenched the steering wheel in the direction of the skid and stomped on the brakes. She also...
Both the front and back license plates are rustier than the truck itself making it exceedingly difficult to distinguish the navy blue embossed letters reading "D0ORD13." ... Four black tires reading "COOPER" on the side, barely have any tread left on them, yet they continue to haul the truck down the dusty hollow with ease. Thirty miles over the speed limit on the gravel encrusted road has erased every zigzag indention that was once drawn into the rubber. ...