1. My Oedipus Complex
"My Oedipus Complex" was one of those stories. The Greek mythological character Oedipus was the son of Lauis, king of Thebes, and Jocasta. ... On the mountain, the horsemen of King Polybus of Corinth found him and brought him to the city where the Queen Periboea adopted him and named him Oedipus because of his swollen ankles. ... As we recall the character Oedipus from Greek mythology, Oedipus kills his father and marries his mother. ... Biographical Notes 1152 "Frank O"Connor" www.edu/users/muvck/franko.htm "Oedipus" www.homepage.mac.com/cparada/GML/Oedipus.html ...
- Word Count: 675
- Approx Pages: 3
- Grade Level: High School