Their immovable neutral position of the Witnesses, along with their loyalty to God's Kingdom, was unacceptable to Hitler's government! The Nazi did not intend to tolerate any refusal against their government. ... Rutherford set March 24, 1934, as the deadline. ... The Nazi answered Rutherford's demand with stepped-up abuses, sending many Jehovah Witnesses to concentration camps that had recently been set up. ... They registered protests with the Hitler's government. ...
The Army ordered Hitler to join and build it up and Hitler duly set about increasing the organisation of the DAP. ... All the support was found in Bavaria and so Hitler set his bid for power in Bavaria. ... In 1922 it was a disastrous year for the Weimar government. ... The Bavarian State Government plotted against the Weimar Government, which led to Gustav Stresemann being appointed as Chancellor of Germany in August 1923. ... The Bavarian Government has been removed.? ...
After the defeat of the Nazis, most countries returned to their pre-war governments, such as Belgium, Holland, Denmark, and Norway. ... MacArthur and his political advisers drew up a constitution for a new government. It changed the government to a constitutional monarchy, leaving the divine emperor of Japan with no power. ... A two house parliament was set up. ... These new governments helped stop new fascist leaders from rising and taking over and returning those countries to war....
In 1920 Hitler then went on to become a spy for the Munich government that sent him on the case that would change the course of history forever. ... The second, PO II, designed to create a government in waiting, a highly organized Nazi government within the republic that would some day replace it. ... He set up a private battle-ready elite guard known as the "Schutzstaffel" (SS) to transport and take care of all political prisoners and people thought to be inferior. ... But January 30, 1933 Chancellor Hindenburg resigned due to the Nazis in the government, giving the title of Chancellor to Ado...
Once a new government was established it was already set to fail. Coming in with a whole new set of rules, a republic that was not popular to begin with. ... It did not help that the government was often in paralyzing standstills and could not get a whole lot done. ... With the help of the United States government, the German economy started to stabilize. ... As stated earlier, the judicial system was unchanged during the Weimar Republic's take over of the government. ...
They both wanted the nation to get involved because the government could not do it alone. ... Macdonald also wanted to provide temporary work for the people by getting money from the government. ... They are very afraid of letting the people down and having the government loose the power to act. ... Hitler wanted one nation with one rule and one set of believers. ... Japan also used 70 percent of government expenditures on armed service. ...
Immediately Hitler set off on rebuilding the National Socialist German Workers" Party (Nazi Party). ... Hitler was subsequently restored to power after the election of 1930 and his plan was set into effect. ... Nazis were placed in the bureaucracy, the judiciary and the German provincial governments. ... With the civilian sector of his country under control, Hitler set off to rebuild the military that had been restricted so harshly in the near past. Hitler built up his military and set his sights on what was Czechoslovakia, Britain, France, the USSR and ultimately the United States....
Adolf's dreams of becoming an artist did not match the government official job his father wanted him to have. ... Since he had no set income he was forced to move into the ghettos and became somewhat of a bum. ... He quickly outlawed all political parities and made the Nazi way the new form of government. ... This deal with Russia was set up so that when Hitler took Poland the land would be divided with Stalin. ... He knew he could not defeat England so set out to attack Russia, but before he did he took Yugoslavia and Greece. ...
He learns that the U.S. government will not acknowledge his role as an aid on their part. ... The U.S. government returns him to the States, under a false identity (which he soon drops.) ... He tells Campbell that the government will stand behind him and finally acknowledge his part. He sets the letter down on the desk and hangs himself with unused typewriter tape. ...
Throughout German occupied Europe or the German Reich, death and work camps were set up to destroy the undesirables. ... The German government encouraged thugs to attack Roma on the streets (Bergen 2003.) ... He set up a department called the Radical Hygiene and Population Research Center. ... (Bergen, 2003) The German government heavily funded experiments on Roma, which were either very painful or life threatening to the test subject. ... At Auschwitz-Birkenau, officials set up a separate "Gypsy family camp" for Roma in Section B-IIe of Birkenau, form which the gas chambers and crematoria we...
Hitler had first set off to Vienna to study art; by the time he had left he had learned the ideas of racial hatred, specifically against the Jews, personal neurosis, and saw the flaws in the German government because of the presence of Jews and Slavs. ... He starts by trying to take over the current government in Germany. The Germany government made a big mistake when they decided to resume payments for their war debts. ... This book set out all of Hitler's ideas and strategies that he planned to go through with once out of jail. ... Hitler organized the Nazi party so that it was ...
At first, the Jews didn't see Hitler as a great threat, but when Hitler became chancellor and eventually took over the government they saw more clearly. ... He also gave orders to set up a special force, the feared SS, which would be used to transport and take care of all political prisoners and people thought to be inferior. ...
It is time that we all perceive gender on a spectrum, instead of two sets of opposing ideals.... This law stated that all new couples would get a government loan which was about the average nine months income; however, the birth of one child allowed the loan repayment be excused by 25%. ... Before the 21st century, children were often seen as an obstacle to a career; however, the German government encourages women to depend on child care these days and business is considering social environment and policy has changed. ...
Liberal governments, at least from society's view, seemed unable to meet the continuous strains of the industrial society. ... This book set out his political philosophy. ... There was a large amount of unemployment that was rising and they had a paralyzed government that could not do anything. ... With this victory Adolf Hitler refused all the positions that he was offered within the German government and demanded that he become chancellor. ... On the 30th of January Hindenburg appointed Hitler as the Chancellor of a minority government. ...
Since the German government suffered badly in the depression, the existing Weimar government, put in place by the victorious allies, was blamed (John). ... At what is known as The Beer Hall Putsch a man by the name of Kahr was giving a speech in front of some 3,000 supporters of the Bavarian government. ... Hitler knew this was the right time to take over the government. ... It was the second highest position in the German government. ... But Hitler was already had his sights set on invading Russia. ...
And another consequence of the war, and probably the most severe was that it left these gaps in the governments of some of these countries where Totalitarian Regimes could rise to power. ... The Weimar Republic was set up and many were left more or less hopeless. ... The Weimar Republic was set up after the war, and was seen by many as a joke. ...
It formed modern government in many countries, made drastic legislative changes, and even spurred a major war for many countries. ... The German government ordered the workers to strike as a form of passive resistance. To compensate these workers the German government printed huge amounts of new money. ... On November 8, 1923, Hitler and about 600 followers attempted to take control of the provincial Bavarian government. They lacked mass support and had no chance against the military force of the government. ...
INTRODUCTION Did you know that six million people were murdered in death camps called concentration camps? Most of these people were Jewish. It began in Germany with Adolf Hitler who hated the Jews. In 1933 he was chancellor of Germany. The Jews began to lose their rights. Germany starts to ta...
(Source 4) He told them men that he was to be the new leader of Germany and offered them jobs in his new government. ... However on the way, a roadblock set up by the police met them and when Hitler continued marching, the group was fired on. ... (Source 6) Hitler's "Mein Kamph" When Hitler was released from jail, he set about by rebuilding the Nazi Party. ... This angered Hitler, who decided to enter a coalition government as chancellor in January 1933. In March 1933, it is believed that Hitler had members of his party set fire to the Reichstag building. ...
Rumors of revolution and a government take over by the communist shattered Hitler. " I lay there broken with great pains, although I did not let on how I felt; for it was repugnant of me to cry out at a time when you could feel that a collapse was coming." ... His goal was to overthrow the government, but he had to compete with numerous other right-winged groups and his friend Ernst Roehm, a Bavarian staff officer. ... The putsch was aimed at capturing first the government, then the nation. Consequently, the Bavarian government was able to suppress it and jail sentences were issued to ...
The Law for the Promotion of Marriage of 1934 allowed all newly married couples, which passed as "genetically healthy-, would be eligible to get a 1000 mark government loan. ... So he set up and handed over the responsibility to the Hitler Youth Organisation. ... For girls, an organization called the League of German Maidens was set up to prepared them for motherhood. ... Schacht had pulled Germany out of the depression and set the foundation for Germany's economic recovery. ... However they did not achieve the goal that they set out. ...
Once he had obtained the most powerful position in the German government he made swift actions to end democracy in Germany. ... In addition extermination camps were also set up, where people would be sent to be gassed or lethally injected. 150,000 persons were killed there between December 1941 and March 1943. ...
Once he had obtained the most powerful position in the German government he made swift actions to end democracy in Germany. ... In addition extermination camps were also set up, where people would be sent to be gassed or lethally injected. 150,000 persons were killed there between December 1941 and March 1943. ...