This study (Darroch et al., 2001) suggested that the problem of teenage pregnancy in the United States may be related to less sex education in schools and lower availability of contraceptive supplies (Darroch et al., 2001). ... The United States also has the highest rate of gonorrhea among teenagers within the developed countries (Darroch et al., 2001). ... The time and energy spent on a child could have been devoted to school, work and leisure time activities (Hofferth et al., 2001). ... The mothers of these teenagers that have these risk factors engage in early sexual activity and cons...
According to Ackard et al. (2000); Koch et al. (2005); Seal et al., (2009), such women have lower levels of desire and arousal, are likely to avoid sexual activity (Reissing et al., 2005; La Rocque & Cioe, 2010), may not achieve orgasm and thus not being sexually satisfied (Sanchez & Kiefer, 2007; Yamamiya et al., 2006). ... Some studies of young women done in relation to the subject (Akers et al., 2009; Eisenberg et al., 2005; Gillen et al., 2006; Kvalem et al., 2011) show relationship between negative body image and engagement in risky sexual activities. ...
Under the control of the Khans the Mongol empire consisted of almost all of Asia and parts of Eastern Europe, reaching into Poland and Hungary (Tignor et al. 37). ... Europe saw its numbers reduced by one-third (Tignor et al. 45). ... The entire world changed" (Tignor et al. 45). Another important result of the devastation was "the weakening of political foundations of many European societies" (Tignor et al. 44). ... Islamic polities of Asia controlled the major trade outposts along the Mediterranean and the Islamic merchants gained great wealth as a result (Tignor et al. 50). ...
There has been raging the debate about the superiority of the two sexes (Angier et al., par1). ... Women are less likely to pursue engineering even if they perform well in mathematics (Angier et al., par15). ... Recent research is inconclusive as it suggests that the male and female brains are very dissimilar (Angier et al., par11-13). ... In America, boys score an average of 35 points more than girls do in the subject (Angier et al., par21). However, girls and boys in other countries such as Japan have the same aptitude for the subject (Angier et al., par22). ...
Many Americans say the Amish as an innocent people, that this was the one place tragedy couldnt strike (Kraybill et. al, The Amish Way, 184). ... According to one Amish leader, this event was the Amish version of 9/11 (Kraybill et. al, Amish Grace, 17). ... Nearly every aspect of their lives is about honoring God and just living lives of obedience (Kraybill et. al, The Amish Way, 185). ... Spirituality is very costly and comes at a high price (Kraybill et. al, The Amish Way, 189). ... In The Amish Way, Gmay is defined as A church where everyone knows your name (Kraybill et. al, They Amish Way...
This technique is used to ask broad questions that lead or invite the client to explore thoughts or feelings (Kozier et. al, 2012). ... This technique uses statements or questions that will encourage the client to verbalize (Kozier et. al, 2012). ... Touch is a physical technique to reinforce caring feelings (Kozier et. al, 2012). ... This technique, called giving information, provides specific factual information the client may or may not request (Kozier et. al, 2012). ... This technique, called summarizing and planning, is useful at the end of an interview or to review a health teaching se...
Weir Mitchell, who forbade her to write and prescribed only bed rest and quiet for recovery (Kennedy et al. 424). ... Would a man deeply concerned for his wife's mental state constantly leave her alone to tend after patients with "serious" conditions (Kennedy et al. 426)? ... She comments on the fact that the children tore the wallpaper and later admits to doing it herself (Kennedy et al. 426,428). ... The "absurd, unblinking eyes" in the wallpaper indicate the lack of intelligence women have in the perception of men (Kennedy et al. 427). ... The distance in the relationship of the narrat...
Just as environmental cadmium does not biodegrade, cadmium remains within the body for many years, with a half-life of 10-30 years long The Element Cadmium 4 (Thomas et al., 2009). ... The other efficient way to measure the concentration of cadmium within the body is by measuring blood cadmium, although this is a better marker for short term exposure (Satarug et al., 2010). ... (Yihuai et al., 2008). It has been found that the probability of tubular impairment increased 10% when urinary cadmium levels exceeded 2-4 micrograms per day (Satarug et al., 2010). Another interesting study was cond...
Abstract This paper explores the ways that eating a healthy diet composed of the proper vitamins and minerals can be beneficial for your physical, social and emotional well being and how healthy eating will allow the body to feel good and function properly. Your Diet and Nutrition There are many be...
Anything related to positive physical sensation leads to experience of love (Zosuls, et al 2011). ... Some parents might not find this normal as the young boys might start having frequent erections (Zosuls, et al 2011). ... At this early stage, the child will start to associate with certain behaviors referred to as gender roles of being male or female (Zosuls, et al 2011). ... The children get to explore their bodies purposefully during the period (Zosuls, et al 2011). ...
This aspect of the decision of same-sex parents to have children is in fact a courageous one as it is uncertain as to how they will be perceived, accepted or ostracized from their communities (Lindsay, Perlesz, Brown, McNair, et al., 2006). ... There is also the factors of how same-sex couples present the outside world - either from a hostile, confrontational aspect or more of a communized sense of how people work together with each other, as their own communities strive for this level of support (Lindsay, Perlesz, Brown, McNair, et al., 2006). This also supports the egalitar...
Most plants and trees get the water and minerals they need to survive from their roots. Basically, water is absorbed from the soil then travels up through the plant roots to the stems and then to the leaves. Plants have to create pressure in the system to move water from the roots up to the leaves a...
According to Sabharwal et al (2011), there is a method that could boost the static testing productivity by identifying the problem area of the software. ... Another use for genetic testing was testing the case scenarios for the software (Mohapatra et al, 2009). ... GUI testing benefits from genetic testing when Huang et al. (2006) suggested using a genetic algorithm to repair GUI test suites. After Huang et al.' (2006) proposal, Memon et al. (2007) feature an event flow model of GUI-based applications for testing. ...
HAZELWOOD SCHOOL DISTRICT ET AL. v. KUHLMEIER ET AL. ... Kuhlmeier et al. was a case in which educators exercised editorial control over the contents of a school newspaper that was produced as part of the school's journalism curriculum. ... Reference: Hazelwood School District et al. v. Kuhlmeier et al. ...
Davidson J. et al., (2010) stated "Masasoit died and was succeeded by his son Metacom" (p. 94). ... Davidson J. et al., (2010) stated, "A puritan minister named John Eliot who had begun preaching in Algonquian in the 1640s" (p. 94) was a part of history. ... According to Davidson J. et al., (2010), "In history communities sometimes responded to assertive women with accusations of witchcraft" (p. 91). ... J, et al. (2010) stated that "Metacoms forces destroyed more than two dozen colonial towns" (p. 94). ... J, et al., 2010 p.94). ...
This brought many people together to watch out for greedy appointees (Divine et al., 2002, p. 83). ... The government did not fully understand, or even try to understand their needs in such rural areas (Divine et al. p.179). ... It also brought many refraining people of Massachusetts participate in making a new constitution (Divine et al. p. 179). ... Jefferson believed that the whole thing was Hamilton's plan to daunt the Republicans (Divine et al. 2002, p. 213). ...
(Sher et al, 570) Another study showed the relationship between COAs and the use of illegal substances. ... (Chassin et al, 74) It also states that the likeliness of a COA to use drugs is more than twice that of a non-COA. ... (Chassin et al, 77) Family studies have shown that first relatives of alcoholics are three to four times more likely to have alcoholism than first relatives of non-alcoholics. ...
Cutting class is also called "skipping"" or "ditching" class, which is selective class attendance that occurs when a student comes to be present, present a paper or report or take an exam but fails to attend particular classes without a legitimate excuse"" (Fallis et al, 2003, p. 102). ... "While it is tempting to view students who cut class as deficient in their academic capability, intelligence, motivation or values, teachers dispute the stereotype and describe students who cut class as intellectually and academically similar to their regularly-attending peers"(Fallis, et al, 2003, p. 103). ...
He strongly influenced the establishment of literary language, and he produced translations of the Bible, Pope Gregory's Pastoral Care, Orosius, Bede=s Historia Ecclesiastical, and he also helped to establish West Saxon as a literary standard (Abrams et al. xIiw). ... The three sources of Latin were Romans under Claudius conquer of Britain, Romans reside at continental homes of Germanic tribes, and Pop Gregory sends Augustine to Christianize the English (Abrams et al. 3). ... One of whom was Bede whose Ecclesiastical History of the English People is the most momentous source of informatio...
(Thompson et al., n.d.) ... (Thompson et al., n.d.) ... (Thompson et al., n.d., p. 94) To identify the conflict is crucial; conflict can be beneficial when managed effectively. ... (Thompson et al., n.d.) ... (as cited in Thompson et al., n.d., pp. 218 - 219) According to Capozzoli (1995) to engage in productive conflict, people have to learn and practice the skills of resolving conflict. ...
The Jews set themselves apart from the Pagan community by not acknowledging other gods, not marrying pagan women, and not being able to even eat at their neighbor's house due to the kosher laws (Praeger83, Siegel et al.124). ... Over 150 Jewish communities were convicted of ritual murder with hundreds of innocent Jewish fatalities (Praeger et al. 99). ... Even in the Qu"ran there are specific references to Jew hatred (Praeger et al. 113). This was because Muhammad, the famous Islamic prophet, tried to seek validation from the Jews (Praeger et al.112). The Jews rejected Muh...
A PHYSICIAN at al-Yarmouk hospital, who would not be named, said al-Hashimi was in critical condition with abdominal wounds. Three of her body guards also were injured, according to a security guard at the al-Yarmouk facility. ... Members of al-Hashimi's security detail said the attack was carried out by men in two new SUVs. ... While at the al-Yarmouk facility, fellow council member Ahmad Chalabi arrived. ... ET), only an hour before Baghdad falls under an overnight curfew. ...
" Bullying perpetration is predictive of poor academic achievement (Nansel 2001, 2004), antisocial personality and other psychiatric disorder, substance use, and suicidal ideation in adulthood (Sourander et al.2007,2009,2010; Klomek et al.2009; Ttofi et al 2011). ...
The case of National Labor Relations Board v. Noel Canning et al. was decided by the Supreme Court of the United States in 2013. The first party in the case was The National Labor Relations Board, which is an independent federal agency that oversees employees' rights as it related to union organizi...