The prayer ceremony lasted twenty minutes. ... I noticed that as soon as the prayer ceremony was over half of the crowd rushed out as they probably had to go about their businesses. ... At the end of the ceremony I asked the imam that why were not any female leader present to lead the women as there was a male religious leader to lead the males. To this he explained to me that in Islam only men can call upon Muslims for prayers and only men can lead the prayer ceremonies, as only roosters can crow, not the hens. ...
Religion is the basic foundation of life encompassing all characteristics of human existence. During this course, I learned that religion is mainly needed for guidance, physically and psychologically. One would think that Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism, Islam, and Buddhism have nothing in common, ...
In fact, when speaking of ATR, it is meant the domestic beliefs, ceremonies, rituals, customs, and practices of the Africans born out of the expression and deep reflection of their ancestor (Ebere, 2011). ... Mbiti explains that though the knowledge of God as the Supreme Being is not documented in any sacred book, yet it is "expressed in proverbs, short statements, songs, prayers, names, myths, stories and religious ceremonies" (Ekeke; Ekeopara, 2010). ...
Religion is a system of beliefs, practices and worship of one or more Gods. There are many religions in the world, and all of them had great impact on the world history. Throughout the history religions controlled actions and beliefs of many people, and even today it is a dominant force. Very often ...
All societies throughout history have been based in one way or another on religious beliefs. They influenced types of governments, political parties, and laws set by those governments. Just like all other preceding it's time, the Angelo-Saxons had many forms of government which were based on relig...
Muslims Politics For decades, the situation in Pal... Muslims Politics For decades, the situation in Palestine has been promoted as an "Arab" issue, or a "Palestinian" issue, and Muslims have, by and large, gone along with this charade. Such a belief gas proven fatal as the Zionists have su...
Religion is sense of human relationship with forces beyond nature. During the history human had a need to have relations with something they believed and could support protect them. Some religions believe the life after death, some have one or more gods and some religions as Atheism do not believe i...
Belief systems, or religions are perhaps the strongest force in society. All of these beliefs are important to each religion in there own way. Theyre what make each religion individual and special. Each of these religions had its own beliefs and sacred texts, though all shared some concepts. In the ...
The Kurds are an ethnic group spanning across Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Israel, Armenia, Georgia and, Azerbaijan. Culture is something that we create, a system of knowledge that we use to survive and satisfy basic needs, we use it to adapt and communicate to other members of our culture and finally, to understand each other. There are five main parts to culture, Language, Marriage, Family, Art, and Religion. Language is a system of public knowledge used to send and receive precise messages that are understood by both the sender and receiver, and can be written or spoken. Marriage is the socia...
As we go about our lives in these days and times, we look and see a division between people. More than a month ago, terrorists attacked our nation, and now, more than ever, we need spiritual guidance. Instead, we have attacked each other as a people, and burned religious edifices. We have cast down other belief systems and have been conditioned to think that our religion is the one true religion. How can it be that we have so much in common in the way in which we worship and praise, but there is so much hatred separating us? ...
Everyday Life in Pakistan 1. Pakistani's enjoy close relationships with people, including foreigners. They're interested in a person's history - where a person is from, what family they belong to and where they received education. Pakistanis are open to discuss family as long as it is limited to the male members of the family. Pakistanis don't discuss women in public. ...