Because of the death of her father, Miss Emily has become a hermit of sorts. ... Her appearance has changed, now she is "bloated like a body long submerged in motionless water" "perhaps that is why what would have been merely plumpness in another was obesity in her". (29) The changing of times has also caused anguish for Miss Emily. ...
In discussing that famous elegy it is interesting to begin by asking what remains unsaid in the poem. ... The lilac bush, with its rich colors and scent, represents physical life, while the hermit thrush bodies forth spiritual life. ... In his view, death is always concerning love and nature; it is merely the body's death and what it causes is the immortality of spirit and the beginning of a new life. ... The boy was moved, The outsetting bard was thrown into raptures and, in a moment of inspiration, became aware of the mission for which he was born: "Now in a moment I know what I an fo...