The more our population rises the more of these "luxuries" will be desired, the more luxuries desired the more nature will need to do for ud in order for us to have those things this will inevitably lead to a rise in world hunger, pollution, and unless our natural resources rise with the population increase those will be used up as well. ... Raising a child from birth to age 18 is estimated to cost around 250,000 dollars without any type of special schooling, this reason alone is enough to make some people think twice about having a child. ... Every single item that we purchase that was m...
Have you ever asked yourself the question; since life began on earth, would there be an ending to it? This question is often asked. Usually, the answer to this question would need a vas amount of detail of our surroundings and the planet earth. What we need to notice is that the answer to this quest...
With the planet growing at alarming rate 230 000 per day people, With the increasing population, pollution is on the rise, making safe water scarce In Asia the population increases by 50 million, the population of Africa by 17 million and Latin America and the Caribbean by only eight million. ...
To this we may add a fifth horseman, air and water pollution, although some might consider it a form of habitat destruction." (8) Wilcove refers to this quote throughout the entire book as it is a recurring symbol of the culprits of wildlife loss. ... Fishery managers had introduced countless new types of species, some from foreign nations and some from other parts of the United States, in order to provide more diversity to the river. ...