This is appropriate because the New Testament explains the finished work of Christ on the cross, the end of sin's power over believers in Jesus and the end of Satan's control over death, hell and the grave. ... The New Testament ends with Jesus on his throne and is a revelation of His glory. ...
This is appropriate because the New Testament explains the finished work of Christ on the cross, the end of sin's power over believers in Jesus and the end of Satan's control over death, hell and the grave. ... The New Testament ends with Jesus on his throne and is a revelation of His glory. ...
The code emphasizes the glory that is to be gained in one's lifetime through heroic deeds, while Christian doctrine stresses that this glory is to be had in the afterlife. ... I feel this because of the sermon Hrothgar delivers to Beowulf as a warning on taking his power for granted and becoming too content in his wealth. ...
He divided the power with three others, and established four imperial courts, none of them in Rome. ... Paul believed that "the death and resurrection of Jesus, the Messiah or Christ, had broken through the power of sin and death, established the justice of God's kingdom, and inaugurated the final messianic age which would be soon completed with the triumphal return of Christ in glory." ... True freedom is the power to do what is right and this power is given from the Holy Spirit. ...
Throughout the poem there are odd juxtapositions between pagan beliefs in fate and personal prowess, on the one hand, and an acknowledgement of an All Mighty Power or God, on the other. ... As Beowulf ages, and becomes an elderly king, he seems to lean towards a Christian credo, as when he thanks the "everlasting Lord of all/ to the King of Glory" (2794-2795) for letting him view the slain Dragon's treasure before he dies. ...
(Heb 11:8-12) Abraham was almost 100years old when he was promised a child and his wife was barren (Rom 4:19) but he was not wavered by unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened by his faith and gave glory to God. ... Abraham was fully persuaded that God had power to do what He had promised. ...
Only then, Paul says, will the end come, when Christ will have destroyed every other rule and authority and power; the last enemy to be destroyed will be death. ... The political resurrection of the Jews under the Maccabees is the starting-point of transition to the literal resurrection about to follow the destruction of Antichrist by Christ's coming in glory. ...
How David could influence our lives if we will open our eyes to see David as a person like us who is thriving to know God and all His power. ... God promise if keep seeking the Kingdom of God all things will be added according to His riches and glory. ...
Work Theological Reflections Paper "Work for the night is coming, Work thro" the morning hours; Work while the dew is sparkling, Work "mid springing flowers; Work, when the day grows brighter, Work in the glowing sun; Work for the night is coming, When man's work is done." Th...
In 1 Enoch 58:8, the author describes how the righteous will feast in heaven : "In that day shall be distributed for food [to the righteous] two monsters...Leviathan and Behemoth....these two monster are by the power of God prepared to become food, that the punishment of God may not be in vain. ... Thus, the blasphemous names on the beast's head are meant to expose his attempt to claim for himself the glory and majesty that early Christians believed belong to God alone. ...