I started playing the piano when I was just a wee lad. ... I would read the notes but most of the time I would just beat the keys like I was in a trance, a perfect trance that separated my body from my soul and I would look down upon myself as I was amidst the air and fall in love with the relationship that I saw before me. ...
The play ends on a peaceful note and they live happily ever after. ... Algernon, a free speaker, makes his opening appearance by asking his servant, Lane, if she had heard him playing the piano and after hearing her remark that she was not listening says "I"m sorry for that for your sake". Algernon does not play the piano very well and provides his own excuse by saying, "anyone can play accurately but I play with wonderful expression". ...
The keyboardist, guitarist, and bass player repeat the same notes through the chorus where he sings, "When love and death embrace." In the verse, where the song is at a calm setting, they change it, and at the end there are polyphony sounds from the guitarist who repeats the same notes that the keyboardist was playing for the chorus, except he wasn't using chords like he was doing in the chorus, and the keyboardist is playing a different melody that he keeps repeating. ... When "Join Me," with the beautiful piano part, melodic guitar and bass, and Ville's crying for love, was relea...
The Awakening, by Kate Chopin, is a complex work of literature. It combines involved characters with deep symbolism to tell the story of a troubled woman and what drives her to suicide. Because of its complexity, it is difficult to classify The Awakening into a literary category. On the surface, ...