Strongly influenced by his foreign policy advisor, John Foster Dulles, this philosophy meant that the United States would refuse to back down in a crisis even when brought to the brink of war#, a policy that was similarly used regardless of political party. ... They did so by following Martin Luther King's philosophy of passive, non-violent, civil disobedience. ...
Martin Luther King, Jr. ... The Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens ruled that the words written in the article my have not been completely accurate, but the words were "within the breathing space that gives life to the First Amendment (p.56)." ...
John's Catholic Church in Westminster, Maryland to be buried on March 10th later that year. ... John's Catholic Church where the funeral was held. ... In the case, the New York Times advertised a donation to Martin Luther King Jr. in order to fund his bail as it stated: "(the Albama State Police) arrested (King) several times." ...