Consider the way Worster's version of Thoreau's empirically rooted difference from Emerson's figuratively deracinated use of nature has extended into recent criticism that gives greater attention to Thoreau's unpublished work after Walden (1854). ... In its thoroughgoing and often messy empiricism, in contrast to the polish of Walden or the lyricism of A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers (1849), Thoreauvian ecocritics read this later work no longer as aesthetically deficient in Emersonian metaphor or the transcendental poetics of correspondence, but rather as environ...
Romanticism Realism and Modern Art Romanticism was more then just an art form it was a way of life, a way of thinking, and above all a way of seeing everyday life. The Romantic era began in art around 1805. Romantic ways of art were more then just painting, sculpting, writing and thinking. Thi...