An estimate that guns are used, "Five times more often to prevent crimes that to commit them" (Fifteen Myths). ... He replied, "What do I do for the extra fifteen minutes?" ... This country requires that a military-issue rifle and ammunition be kept in the dwellings of all males from the age of 20-50 (Fifteen Myths 1). ...
The state required period slotted for recess is strictly twenty minutes. ... At the very least, students only have twelve to fifteen minutes of actual free play in the school yard. ... The State requirements mandate all students have scheduled active minutes per week for organized physical education. ...
In the early 20th century, otherwise known as the Roaring Twenties, the United States did not only dramatically change economically, but the sudden burst of popular entertainment, new intuitive inventions, and the initiation of mass productions, made America the wealthiest country in the world. This...
Even if they had a cigarette five minutes ago, and they go into a building for two minutes they will smoke as soon as they come out, just to be certain they get a cigarette just incase the next task hold's them over longer than expected. ... A ten to fifteen minute wait for a smoker usually means three to five cigarettes. ...
The average prison sentence of men who kill their female partners is two to six years and women who kill their male partners are sentenced on average to fifteen years, despite the fact that they did it in self defense (Talvi Ever three minutes a woman is raped, every fifteen seconds a woman is battered and every six hours a woman is battered to death. ...
America's Horrific Teen Drivers In America, driving is the main source of transportation. Being an American teenage driver myself, I clearly remember dreaming about that golden day I"d be allowed to get my driver's license. American teenagers place driving, being the first major milestone in t...
I surveyed twenty five percent African Americans, twenty five percent Caucasians, fifteen percent Asian Americans, twenty percent Latinos and fifteen percent were of other races. ... I usually handed the survey to a person and would give them a couple of minutes until they would finish it. ...
Authorities believed that over fifteen hijackers of Islamic descent, took over the planes and steered themselves into the World Trade Center and Pentagon; in turn killing themselves and thousands of innocent Americans. ... Several minutes later the second jet smashed into the south tower. Mr Gould said he was out of the building within two or three minutes after taking an express elevator to the ground floor, but soon after people began evacuating the south tower the elevators were taken "off-line". ...
National security America over its short life time has built up this reputation for being "untouchable". We are so far away from any major threats, and because of this, America has gone to sleep. It used to be that communication amongst countries would take months at a time. Your conversation w...