Whether or not such developments are good or bad is a topic of ongoing political debate. ... Stronger governments have had more choice than weaker governments concerning their response to global pressures for more international and less regulated economic activities. ... In the international realm, such thinking is most obvious in liberal views concerning free trade (though many liberals would take a slightly more ambiguous view than the neoliberal one set out here). ... Fundamental to all, however, is a considerable skepticism concerning the liberal emphasis on mutual gains from economic int...
benefits and threats of globalisation Introduction There are processes in the international order--driven by revolutions in communication and information technology--that exhibit seemingly inexorable globalising tendencies while, at the same time, there are a range of actions, adopted by states and non state actors alike, that attempt to resist these often ill defined phenomena captured by the all embracing notion of 'globalisation'. For example, the long term tendency towards freer trade, electronic commerce and the seemingly uncontrollable power of deregulated capital markets do...
A cottage industry on globalisation has emerged from which academics and intellectuals make a living by writing articles and travelling the world debating with others. The financial and business sections of broadsheet newspapers are continuously littered with issues concerning globalisation and meetings are frequently held by the superpowers to discuss the state of the global economy, such as the meetings in Doha in Qatar, Cancun in Mexico and the IMF summit in Dubai. ...