There are roughly two million lakes in Canada, covering about 7.6% of the Canadian landmass. The main lakes are Huron, Great Bear, Superior, Great Slave, Winnipeg, Erie, & Ontario. The largest lakes situated entirely in Canada is Great Bear Lake in the Northwest Territories. ... It's a rocky, U-shaped region which encircles Hudson Bay and is made up of mostly low hills and lakes. ... Lawrence River, the Great Lakes, and regions west & south of that. ...
His men had cannons, and a Gatling gun, which helped them defeat the Métis. 13) Big Bear was a Cree Chief who refused to sign Treaty No. 6 for six years. ... In April 1885, his band was refused supplies at Frog Lake, so the Cree's war leader took nine townspeople as hostages. He hostages were killed through a misunderstanding, and Big Bear was blamed. ... He responded by riding out to meet the larger force of Métis at Duck Lake on March 26, 1885. ...
The Adventure To Canada We were sitting around one day, bored as an old man watching paint dry, we all needed some excitement, something to stimulate our minds and bodies, so we all decided to take a trip to a strip club in Canada. We piled into the car like a bunch of sailors on shore leave....