As humans we are constantly looking for ways to strive for a utopian society, but is such a concept even possible if every human being has a different perspective on what defines Utopia? ... The absence of a marked economic disparity between Scandinavians makes for a contented, safer and more literate society that's less plagued with poverty, crime, unemployment and illiteracy. ...
Encyclopedia Britannica (2014) defines overpopulation as an excessive number of people in an area to the point overcrowding, depletion of natural resources or environmental deterioration. ... Whilst it may be true to some cases, as more individuals become urban dwellers deprived of stable work, the difficulties which characterize some conurbations of the third world nations would increase swiftly, problems such as illiteracy, slum housing, shanty towns and diseases (Bell & Hall, 1991). ...
As of May 22, 2003, in the Labor Act of Turkey, the government of Turkey has defined the minimum age for work at 15 years. ... " These activities define the roles of the 89% of children who live in rural Ethiopia. ... The need to supplement household income means sacrificing education, which leads to the continuous cycle of poverty and illiteracy. ...
Academically speaking, ignorance and illiteracy is a huge problem among the forced labored workers. ... The term forced labor has been defined by the human right convention as "All the work or service which is extracted from any person under the menace of any penalty and for which the said person has not offered himself/Her self voluntarily". ...