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Free Child Care for Parents with Two Children

Introduction Advanced nursing practice roles are developing globally, and opportunities for the advanced nursing practice are expanding in the United States of America and worldwide in general due to the need for high-quality nursing care at all level of their practice. The ability of nurses practicing to the full extent of their education and training makes them be recognized by the community and the political system. As part of the influential members of the society, nurses identify problems that require being legalized to ensure the smooth running of their process. They play a major role in guiding the political and legal system on the effect such legalized problems might have in the health care system, society and the government at large. In the current paper, I focus on the legalization process of free child care to parents with two children in Queens, New York. Free Child Care for Parents with Two Children Families with more than two children in Queens, New York experience a hi


Montego Bay - My Kind of Paradise

Everyone wants to find his or her own kind of paradise. I found mine on a small island in the country of Jamaica. To me, Montego Bay is the most beautiful place to visit. There are so many beautiful sites to see on this tropical island, from waterfalls and rivers to white sand beaches and mountains. It just takes you away to a peaceful time. The first step you take out of the airplane into the Kingston Airport you get a breath of relaxation and serenity. The weather was hot, the sun was beating down and all you want to do is jump into a pool. After going through security and the baggage claim that's when the experience begins. Ninety minutes of driving through the coastal planes and scattered hills on the way to the resort, you see the different culture and environment the people of Jamaica live in. The roads weren't like the ones we have in the United States; they are not well kept and had a lot of potholes. The Jamaican drivers were not as cautious as American drivers. They do not


Generational Societal Expectations

Our society has created so many expectations of my generation, and generations to come. Today, it is ideal to balance a healthy school, work, and social life successfully; but how much of this is every kid in my generation actually capable of doing? The worst part is when we fail to do these things we are often told that we're not trying hard enough, or end up being compared to someone who has already found success in these things. We are shown accomplishment, but not the struggle and failure taken to get there. In this essay I will analyze the complex human reality of expectations of my generation and the role it has assumed in my life. The expectations, and pressure put on a child can be rough, especially when they are coming from their own parent. A perfect example of this is in the piece, "Why I Went to College", by Martin Espada. This piece is about a father's threat to his child if the child does not go to college. Not only does the father put a lot of pressure on his


Aspects of Theoretical Perspectives

Introduction Great thinkers have been trying to understand the world and peoples' place in it since the beginning of time. Some have done this by developing theories in order to explain how events or phenomena occur. Sociology has generally been understood as the study of human society, therefore it is important to develop a sociological perspective in studying the human society. Sociologists view society in different ways. Some see the world basically as a stable and ongoing entity. They are impressed with the endurance of the family, organised religion and others social institutions. Some sociologists see society as composed of many groups in conflict, competing for scarce resources. To other sociologists, the most fascinating aspects of the social world are everyday routine interactions among individuals that sometimes are taken for granted. These three views, the ones mostly used by sociologists, are the functionalist, conflict, and symbolic interactionist perspectives. This ess


Factors Leading to the Downfall of Macbeth

"If one abuses or neglects internal powers, external forces will act accordingly."-T.F Hodge. This quote illustrates the concept of both internal and external forces working hand in hand to produce an outcome. The play Macbeth, Shakespeare depicts the similar idea that both internal and external forces lead to Macbeth's downfall. This idea can be illustrated through Macbeth's fearful nature, Lady Macbeth's manipulation, and the three witches' predictions. To begin with, an internal force which vastly contributes to Macbeth's downfall is his fearful and paranoid nature. Macbeth is in constant fear of losing the crown. His insecurities lead him to make decisions a rational, confident person would not. Macbeth's fear is demonstrated after a conversation with Banquo. Banquo has suspicions regarding Macbeth's inheritance of the crown. He raises the suggestion that Macbeth did not obtain the crown fairly. This discussion causes Macbeth to fear Banquo and his abilities. Once Macbeth


Children and the Early Years Foundation Stage

The strategy above links with the education Act 2002 section 175, where it says schools must have arrangements about safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children. The social worker has clearly been trained properly and knows the policies and procedures of the schools, therefore she is following them whilst still helping the child appropriately. This also links with the Statutory Framework for Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) 2014 which sets the standards that all early years providers must meet to ensure that children learn and develop well and are kept healthy and safe. It promotes teaching and learning to ensure children's 'school readiness' and gives children the broad range of knowledge and skills that provide the right foundation for good future progress through school and life. The social worker knows there is something wrong with the child and is trying to help the child to keep her hea


Themes of Alienation in The Namesake

Pulitzer Prize winner, Juhmpa Lahiri, effectively conveys the theme of the alienation experienced by immigrants assimilating into a new place and the exposure of two cultures, relative to how one's 'home' reflects on their identity in the novel, The Namesake. This bildungsroman novel, set in both India and America and which follows a Bengali family's attempts at assimilating within American culture, portrays this theme throughout. Lahiri conveys this theme through her effective use of the characterisation of all of the characters, Ashima, Ashoke, and then the children Gogol and Sonia, helping to develop each of their individual identities. As the story continues, this symbol of homes also helps to develop their identities and reveals each of their own experiences in assimilating into American culture. One way Lahiri conveys the way in which a home is a reflection of one's identity, as well as the theme of the alienating experience of immigrants assimilating into America and


Short Story - Overcoming Fear

I smiled in satisfaction as I stepped out of the library. I had finally managed to locate the sixth book of the Harry Porter series! In my joy at finally being able to borrow the book, I had let out an indiscreet hoot of joy that caused frowns and stares to be aimed at me from all directions. I immediately hastened my way to the librarian's counter, borrowed the book and was soon out of the library and on my way home where I had intended to have a jolly good read. With my bag on my shoulders and the book gripped firmly in my hands, I was in seventh heaven as I envisaged the pleasurable afternoon which lay stretched ahead of me. I had just made my way out of the library, through the canteen and was on the path leading towards the school gates when I saw my classmate, Ronald, in front of me. He was sitting by the side of the path with his back towards me. Sensing that something was not right, I made my way over to him, "Hey, Ronald, what's up?" I hailed. Ronald turned, startled. Gasp! I felt my jaw drop and I gasped as soon as I saw his face. There were bruises on his face and his lip was c


Understanding the War on Terrorism

The "War on Terror" refers to an ongoing international military campaign by the United States and allied countries against terrorist organizations. The campaign is set upon the premise of a terror attack by Al-Qaida, a terrorist organization, on the World Trade Centre towers on the 11th of September 2001. There is no single definition of terror. However, it can be defined as extreme fear or intimidation that is caused by one person to another. The attack on the world trade center was considered an act of terrorism. It left American citizens in fear. The Nation mourned the death of over 3,000 people, and thousands of others were scathed (Paul and Alan 102). In the next few days, the American intelligence identified Osama Bin Laden as the terrorist responsible for masterminding the attack. War was waged by the United States of America against Al-Qaida, other terror groups, Saddam Hussein and Iraq. The invasion of Afghanistan Taliban strongholds in Kabul, Jalalabad and Kandahar was launc


Love and Emotion in Fahrenheit 451

The absence of love, happiness and the distraction provided by technology, harms human life in a way that many would agree that it harms humans more than it benefits them. The illusion of a perfect society can anesthetize people from what makes them human–their feelings expressed towards one another. In Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451, denying one's feelings can lead to sadness and depression which is a perfect reason why people in the society of 451 commit suicide.The illusion of happiness experienced by Montag, the protagonist of the story, Millie, Montag's wife, and everyone else in this society makes them oblivious about the unhappiness and emptiness in their lives causing them to act numb towards one another. The loss of feelings and sympathy contributes to the illusion of a perfect world where people are "happy". This is a world where the only way to fill up emptiness is by using technology as a distraction from reality and the dissimulation that there is nothing wr


Fear and Human Rights in The Crucible

Arthur Miller's novel, "The Crucible," takes place in early Salem, Massachusetts, where the use of fear was used to control anyone to blame another of witchcraft. The vindictive Abigail Williams set out to destroy the life of Elizabeth Proctor, and in doing so, created a chaos full of lies and fear in Salem. Throughout the play, basic human rights are often endangered due to fear. Today, endangerments to human rights are still the consequences of unnecessary fears. The first example of human rights endangered through fear is when elderly Giles Corey was stoned to death. Giles showed the court proof that the accusation of witchcraft on his wife was based on Thomas Putnam's greed for a neighbor's piece of land. This backfires and he is condemned and destined to hang. When Judge Danforth brings up his contempt of court, Giles replies, "This is a hearing. You cannot arrest me for contempt of a hearing" (IV.186). When he nei


Religious Beliefs in the Film Life of Pi

A key element in the Academy Award nominated film "Life of Pi," is its constant referral to God and the question of faith. The narrative of Pi's incredible experiences is labeled as 'a story that will make you believe in God', and the viewers are left to doubt their own beliefs by the end of the movie. God is presented to us through Pi's own religious beliefs and in his unbelievable journey with an adult Bengal tiger, and although "Life of Pi" does not emphasize on any particular religion, it urges us to believe in something because faith can bring meaning to life. Director Ang Lee stated that he wanted to portray the internal turmoil of humans through the film, showing that Pi's 227 days at sea was not only a physical journey but a spiritual one as well. When Pi loses faith and begins to give up on life, a storm rages and Pi cries out at the magnificence of God. When Pi is battered by the ferocious sea, he yells to God that he has lost everything and he surrenders, asking what


The Conservation of Hawksbill Turtles

Hawksbill turtles are critically endangered and on the brink of extinction. Hawksbill turtles prefer coastlines over deep water areas because more food is available to them and they can find suitable sandy nesting sites. This exposes them to the risk of accidentally being trapped by equipment used for fishing, such as fishing hooks, gillnets, and explosives used in dynamite fishing. Although they are specially protected by a conservation law called CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora), they are still in danger from illegal trade. This is because of their carapace (shell) or "tortoiseshell" which is in high demand by humans for items such as jewelry, combs, furniture, and ornaments. Further risks include dangers to their habitat, food source, and nesting. The environment in which they live is densely populated therefore resulting in problems such as pollution, boat strikes and changes to the coastline. Hawksbill turtles contri


Psychology Lab - Distractor Conditions

Stimuli This experiment was in a subject design as the same group of participants was tested under the same conditions; the independent variable which was manipulated was the presentation of distractor words which were either threat, neutral or none type/ condition. The threat and neutral distractor condition differed on valence while the no distractor condition had a longer pause between words on the list. The dependent variables that were measured were the proportions of words recognition (Yes/ No response), proportions of critical lure words (never presented) recognition, proportions of list words (presented words) recognition, proportions of new words (never presented unrelated words) recognition and proportion of distractors (threat and neutral)recognition. Method Participants were given directions that instructed them on how to complete the experiment; they were given any information about the purpose of this e


Final Paper - Analyzing Charities

Executive Summary The charities our team decided to analyze were The March of Dimes and the National Wheelchair Basketball Association. These choices were rather easy because of the proximity of The March of Dimes and the attention the NWBA has been gaining with the impending Invictus Games in Orlando, Florida. Our team also chose these charities to juxtapose a historic, national charity and a grass-roots level charity. Before I begin to analyze the charities and answer the prompted questions, I will provide a quick background of each charity. March of Dimes was founded by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1938 to find a cure for Polio. After the Polio vaccine was created the mission of March of Dimes was broadened and focused on helping mothers and trying to improve the health of their babies. March of Dimes is a national organization and has a footprint in all 50 states. Fiscal 2014 they worked at a deficit, Expenses were ~$204 million, while Revenues were ~$196 million. Marc


Language and Culture

It is generally agreed that language and culture are closely related and these two notions cannot be separated. People presenting different cultures speak different languages and sometimes, they speak the same language differently, using various dialects. While speaking, a person visualizes things that are spoken. The American linguist Benjamin Lee Whorf was interested whether people speaking different languages see the same things differently. According to him and his theory of linguistic relativity, language shapes the way we think and determines what we think about. The scientist believes that Russian speakers and English-speaking people see the world differently. One of the greatest examples which demonstrate that people see things differently depending on the language they speak is the comparison between the idea of snow of an English and an Eskimo person


Business Analysis - Pfizer

As Pfizer, a multinational corporation, we have certain ethical responsibilities. There are two traditional stakeholder theories by which my company may operate. One is the ownership theory. The ownership theory is mainly focused on making a profit: maximizing shareholder returns and making as much money as possible for those who own stock in the firm. This theory is ethically wrong because it only accounts for stockholders and owners as true stakeholders of the firm. Another theory is the stakeholder theory of the firm. The stakeholder theory argues that the corporation serves a broader purpose. This is to create value for society. It focuses on making profits for owners, but it also creates other kinds of value. Corporations have multiple obligations; all "stakeholder" groups must be taken into account. It is also proven that companies that behave responsibly towards multiple stakeholder groups perform better financially than those companies that do not. The stakeholder


Female Characters in Hemingway's Cat in the Rain

In The Cat in the Rain, Hemingway refers to the characters not by their names (except for an American man named George), but by their professions and social roles. This is a sign that the story deals with their lives, hopes and frustrations through those roles and how adequate the characters perform them. There are two female characters in this story: the American woman and the maid. In general, characters' dialogue and appearance do not completely define them, it seems that their actions give us more information about who they really are. One thing about the maid is obvious: she takes her job seriously. One can think that she does not even believe that there was a cat in the rain, but she goes outside with the American woman. The scene where she stays outside just to close the umbrella, while the woman goes inside best represents her dedication to her job. She is always where she is supposed to be. We just see her through her job, we cannot even imagine other aspects of her persona


Science Skills Study - Paper Airplanes

This study was performed to practice the different science skills, scientific methods and paper airplanes. We know about aerodynamics and the four forces that plays a part in flight which are Thrust, Lift, Drag, and Weight. Weight force comes from gravity pulling on objects and aircrafts need something to push them in the other direction from gravity. Lift is the force that push the object or something up and airplanes need more lift than weight like hot air could make something rise, Plane Engines supports the heating part for the lift. Drag is a force that tries to slow something down. Thrust is the force that is the opposite of drag. It's the push that moves something forward. The question that my group chose to investigate was, what makes a paper airplane fly best? Then we did a little research and found out that thrust is the forward movement of the plane. Paper airplanes are really gliders, converting altitude to forward motion. The wings of a plane are curved so that the air moves more quickly over the top of the wing, creating an upward push, or lift on the wing. Planes are said to have a lot of "drag" to


The Future of Assistive Technology in Education

The use of an assistive switch has proven to be extremely helpful for children with disabilities at all ages and grade levels. For students who require the use of assistive switches, when the appropriate switches are chosen for them, it opens up a number of possibilities and abilities that they might not otherwise have had. With these switches, students can turn things on or off, move themselves and other things around, play video games, and communicate with others. For individuals who do not require the use of assistive technologies to perform daily, educational, or what are considered regular tasks, they will be less likely to understand the effectiveness of AT use. However, these switches aid in simply making life easier for those he need them. The Assistive Technology/ How the Technology Works As I stated in the introduction, the assistive technology that I chose to research are switches. The use of "switches offer access to anything electronic for persons with disabilities&


International Corporate Finance: Poland and India

Poland and India both provide an attractive destination for multinational enterprises in economic terms. Poland is one of the largest countries in Central Europe and accounts for half of the population (40 million) and nearly half of the economic output of the EU enlargement zone. India is the seventh largest country in the world with a landmass of 3,287,590 sq km. It is the second most populous country with a population of over 1000 million people. Poland provides a stable democratic government that is open to foreign investment, couple with recent economic boom, a relatively big domestic market, an ever-developing operational environment, a fairly favorable tax rate, and a transparent and effective legal system. On other hand India is world's largest democracy with more then 250 million highly educated and talented pool of individuals. Indian economy has made impressive progress over the 1990s in the wake of economic liberalization and globalization. Its economic growth averaged to


Was the American Reconstruction Period a Success?

Reconstruction in the context of American history refers to the time period after the Civil War, specifically from 1865 to 1877, in which the United States began to rebuild from the pandemonium and chaotic aftermath of the Civil War. There has been a lot of debates over the accomplishments and failures of Reconstruction throughout the history. Was Reconstruction a success? By what aspects can Reconstruction be defined as a success? Indeed, not all aspects of Reconstruction were successful, but the primary goal of Reconstruction was accomplished, which makes it an overall successful period of time in the history of United States. The criteria by which we measure "success" are vital, different people hold different opinions against the Reconstruction, and that is why the debates are still going on these days. However, nothing comes as important as the country itself. By the Presidential Reconstruction, the United States remained as a country, not just a collection of Northern s


Movie Summary - Seven

This film (sometimes stylized as SE7EN) is a 1995 American psychological thriller film that blends elements of the crime and horror genres. It was directed by David Fincher based on a screenplay by Andrew Kevin Walker. The film stars Brad Pitt (Det. David Mills) and Morgan Freeman (as Lt. Somersen), with Gwyneth Paltrow (as Tracy, Mills' wife), and Kevin Spacey (as John Doe) Richard Roundtree, John C Mackinley and R. Lee Ermey in supporting roles. Directed by David Fincher; written by Andrew Kevin Walker; director of photography, Darius Khondji; edited by Richard Francis-Bruce; music by Howard Shore; production designer, Arthur Max; produced by Arnold Kopelson and Phyllis Carlyle; released by New Line Cinema. Filming took place in Los Angeles, California, it sets in a hellish vision of a New York-like city, where it is constantly raining and wet, where the light always seems to be dim and the death is almost within sight, appropriately enough, this changes to bright and glittering heat in the astonishing end. Thriller is about a man who decides to kill some people who are committing the seven deadly sins. The movie fol


The Evolution of Free Speech

Over the years, there has been a progressive evolution of free speech. In Great Britain, the Magna Carta was introduced to protect the rights and liberties of ordinary individuals. The totalitarian rule, however, eliminated all forms of freedom in the 20th century but the advent of the English Invent Common Law restored the voice of the commoners (The Guardian, 2006). In a similar vein, the United States introduced the first amendment in 1791 to constitutionally safeguard the right to free speech. Free speech comprises the freedom to convey any views without any constraints. It is grounded in the principles of both democracy and classical liberalism (Heywood, 2007). Although free speech in society brings about self-esteem, shared responsibility, social evolution, and new ideas to nurture development, it becomes a limiting factor when people "deploy their escapist fantasies", that is, people take advantage of this privilege and use free speech negatively. (Meyer, 2001). This


The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz

A person's family plays a significant role in an individual's aspirations and goals. Some aspire to be like a parent, older sibling or relative. Duddy Kravitz's only real family relationship is with Simcha, Duddys scrupulously honest though unbending Grandfather. Not many people, other than Simcha, showed affection and appreciation for Duddy; when it seemed as if nobody cared or respected him, Simcha did. In Mordecai Richler's: "The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz," Duddy's cause of rise and fall is triggered by a few unforgettable words Simcha told him "A man without land is nobody" (49). Whether it is because of Duddy's unimpressive appearance or "class clown" like attitude, Father Max and Uncle Benjy neglect him. However, although he is neglected and treated as if he is unloved by most of his family, his Grandfather Simcha still loves and continues to show affection for him. Lennie Kravitz, Duddy's older brother receives much more attention and love from their father and uncle. He envies Lennie for the kind of affection and devotion Lennie and Max share. Although Duddy always tries to deny and hide the way he is neglected